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Current Students:

Scholarships and Fellowships

GSBS students may apply for most awards through one of two common application cycles in the Fall and Spring. Winners are selected based on the recommendations of the GSBS Student Scholarship Committee. A few awards are reviewed through individual mechanisms.

For questions on submitting applications please contact Joy Lademora. For award eligibility and selection criteria please contact Dr. Wassim Chehab.

For more information on non-GSBS funding sources, such as NIH Fellowships, please visit our External Funding Opportunities page.

Presidents' Research Scholarship

GSBS students can apply to this Scholarship by submitting the Presidents' Research Scholarship application with the required documents before the application deadline. Students should carefully read the Application Instructions and Award Eligibility Criteria below before starting their applications. 

Call for Applications:  May 22, 2025

Application Deadline:  June 20 at 5:00 p.m.

Notification of Winners: Late July 2025

Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

Online Application: Currently Closed

Purpose: These Scholarships are supported with funds provided by the Presidents of The University of Texas Health Science Center and the MD Anderson Cancer Center to recognize the most outstanding research accomplishments by senior GSBS students prior to graduation. The awards are intended to be the most prestigious honor given to current GSBS students.

Eligibility: Applicants must be in good academic standing and have advanced to PhD candidacy. Both PhD and MD/PhD students qualify, but students must be enrolled at GSBS for the entire summer 2024 semester to receive the scholarship. Students who anticipate defending their dissertation in the next two years immediately following the application deadline are particularly encouraged to apply.

Note: The 2024 Presidents' Scholars will be invited to present their research at the Presidents' Scholars Research Symposium, held in conjunction with the GSBS New-Student Orientation during the week of August 19-23, 2024. Receiving the Presidents' Research Scholarship is contingent upon your ability to present your research in person during Orientation Week. Please ensure your availability for this presentation before applying for the award.

Current Recipients:

  • Cuauhtemoc (Ulises) Gonzalez - (Advisor: Vasanthi Jayaraman, PhD) - MTB Program
  • Yiyun Lin - (Advisor: Nicholas Navin, PhD) - QS Program
  • Kevin Liu - (Advisor: Emil Schueler, PhD) - MP Program
  • Hunter Mehrens - (Advisor: Stephen Kry, PhD) - MP Program 

For Previous Recipients, please click here

  • Presidents' Research Scholarship

    Presidents' Research Scholarship

    GSBS students can apply to this Scholarship by submitting the Presidents' Research Scholarship application with the required documents before the application deadline. Students should carefully read the Application Instructions and Award Eligibility Criteria below before starting their applications. 

    Call for Applications:  May 22, 2025

    Application Deadline:  June 20 at 5:00 p.m.

    Notification of Winners: Late July 2025

    Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

    Online Application: Currently Closed

    Purpose: These Scholarships are supported with funds provided by the Presidents of The University of Texas Health Science Center and the MD Anderson Cancer Center to recognize the most outstanding research accomplishments by senior GSBS students prior to graduation. The awards are intended to be the most prestigious honor given to current GSBS students.

    Eligibility: Applicants must be in good academic standing and have advanced to PhD candidacy. Both PhD and MD/PhD students qualify, but students must be enrolled at GSBS for the entire summer 2024 semester to receive the scholarship. Students who anticipate defending their dissertation in the next two years immediately following the application deadline are particularly encouraged to apply.

    Note: The 2024 Presidents' Scholars will be invited to present their research at the Presidents' Scholars Research Symposium, held in conjunction with the GSBS New-Student Orientation during the week of August 19-23, 2024. Receiving the Presidents' Research Scholarship is contingent upon your ability to present your research in person during Orientation Week. Please ensure your availability for this presentation before applying for the award.

    Current Recipients:

    • Cuauhtemoc (Ulises) Gonzalez - (Advisor: Vasanthi Jayaraman, PhD) - MTB Program
    • Yiyun Lin - (Advisor: Nicholas Navin, PhD) - QS Program
    • Kevin Liu - (Advisor: Emil Schueler, PhD) - MP Program
    • Hunter Mehrens - (Advisor: Stephen Kry, PhD) - MP Program 

    For Previous Recipients, please click here

  • Dean's Excellence Scholarship

    Dean's Excellence Scholarship

    Award Amount: $5,000 per year for the first 2 years to student after matriculation.

    Purpose: This Fellowship is provided to attract and recruit top applicants to GSBS.  Special consideration is given to applicants with exceptional academic credentials and scientific interests that align with our faculty.

    Eligibility: All GSBS PhD applicants.  

    Current Recipients:

    • Mussie Araya
    • Cara Guernsey
    • Yue Xuan

    For Previous Recipients, please click here

  • Spring Awards

    Spring Awards

    GSBS students can apply to one (or all) of the Spring Awards and Fellowships by submitting the Spring Common Application with the required documents before the application deadline. Students should carefully read the Application Instructions and Awards Eligibility Criteria before starting their applications. 

    International and domestic students are eligible for all Spring GSBS Awards and Fellowships except the American Legion Fellowship in Cancer Research, which is available only to US citizens and permanent residents. Students who have won GSBS awards in the last year should carefully review the Application Instructions for new rules on award eligibility.

    Call for Applications: March 27, 2025  

    Application Deadline:  April 25 at 5:00 p.m.

    Notification of Winners: June 2025

    Online Application - Currently Closed

    Note Regarding Renewable Fellowships:

    • Student who received a renewable fellowship award supporting their GRAs last year (Hite, Hawkins, Harper, Sowell Huggins), may apply for renewal using the GSBS Renewal Application. They will be notified by the GSBS when the renewal application goes online and will receive instructions on how to apply. Please DO NOT use the Spring Common application linked above for fellowship renewals.
    • Current ALA Fellows may use the Spring Common Application linked above to apply for renewals.

    List of Spring Awards 

    • American Legion Auxiliary Fellowship in Cancer Research

      Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student. The award may be renewed for a total of up to three years on a competitive basis.

      Purpose: This award, established in 1971, supports students early in their graduate training whose research is related to the understanding and treatment of cancer. 

      Eligibility: GSBS students in good academic standing who are conducting cancer-related research and are citizens or permanent residents of the United States of America. PhD students who have not yet entered their 4th year and MD/PhD students who have not yet completed 3rd year after moving to GSBS are eligible (except for renewals).

      Renewals: Students who are expected to graduate this Fall or before, are not eligible for renewal. Additionally, those who were awarded the Dr. John J. Kopchick Fellowship or the Charlene Kopchick Fellowship last Fall, can still apply for the renewal of their ALA Fellowship. Current Fellows eligible for renewals can do so using the Spring Common Application.

      Current Recipients:

      • Chase Hutchins - (Advisor: Alex Gorge, PhD) - MTB Program
      • Yuejiang Liu - (Advisor: Humam Kadara, PhD) - CB Program
      • Andres Lopez - (Advisor: Cande Gomez-Manzano, MD) - IMM Program
      • Fabiola Ester Lujan - (Advisors: Daniel Frigo, PhD and Loukia Karacosta, PhD) - MTB Program
      • Hana Baroudi - (Advisor: Laurence Court, PhD) - MP Program
      • Daisy Diaz-Rohena - (Advisor: Deepa Sampath, PhD) - CB Program
      • Emily Caggiano - (Advisor: Emil Schueler, PhD) - CB Program
      • Kevin Liu(Advisor: Emil Schueler, PhD) - MP Program
      • Kaylene Lu - (Advisor: Jian Hu, PhD) - CB Program
      • Mekenzie Peshoff - (Advisor: Long-Jun Wu, PhD and Louise McCullough, MD, PhD) - NS Program

      For Previous Recipients, please click here

    • Rosalie B. Hite Graduate Fellowship in Cancer Research

      Current Award Amount: Full support of stipend, tuition and fees for one year. The Fellowship may be renewed for up to two additional years.  Renewal depends on satisfactory progress during the current award year and must be approved by the selection committee. 

      Purpose: Rosalie B. Hite Fellowships are open to promising graduate students conducting cancer-related research.

      Eligibility: All degree-seeking GSBS students who are conducting cancer-related research, have identified a primary research advisor and are in good academic standing are eligible. Students who are expected to graduate in less than 2 years from the time of the application deadline may not be eligible to receive this award. 

      Renewals: Students who are expected to graduate this Fall or before, are not eligible for renewal. Current Fellows eligible for renewals can do so using the GSBS Renewal Application. They will be notified by the GSBS when the renewal application goes online and will receive instructions on how to apply. Please do NOT use the Spring Common application for renewals. 

      Current Recipients:

      First-Year Fellows:

      • Xinru Chen - (Advisor: Jinzhong Yang, PhD) - MP Program
      • Andrew Gillard - (Advisor: Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, MD) - CB Program  

        Second-Year Fellow:

        • Hao-Nien Chen - (Advisor: Dihua Yu, MD, PhD) - IMM Program  

        Third-Year Fellows:

        • Servando Hernandez Vargas - (Advisor: Ali Azhdarinia, PhD) - TAP Program
        • Mo-Fan Huang - (Advisor: Dung-Fang Lee, PhD) - G&E Program

        For Previous Recipients, please click here

      • Marilyn and Frederick R. Lummis, Jr., MD, Fellowship in the Biomedical Sciences

        Current Award Amount:  Full support of stipend, tuition, and fees for one year.

        Purpose: This award is explicitly intended to encourage novel research with a high potential to impact the student's field of study and ultimately human health. The primary selection criterion will be scientific excellence and innovation in any area of biomedical research.  Secondary criteria include overall academic excellence, contributions of the advisor to fostering graduate training at GSBS, and the potential for the award to allow the applicant to undertake new research directions that would not be possible otherwise.

        Eligibility: PhD or MD/PhD students who are in good academic standing are eligible. Students who are expected to graduate in less than 1.5 years from the time of the application deadline are not eligible to receive this award. 

        Current Recipient:

        • Chrystine Gallegos - (Advisor: Carmen Dessauer, PhD) - NS Program

        For Previous Recipients, please click here

      • The Schissler Foundation Fellowship

        Current Award Amount:  Full support of stipend, tuition and fees for one year.

        Purpose:  The Schissler Foundation, established in 1993, sponsors these fellowships to improve human health and graduate education. These one year fellowships are awarded to exceptional GSBS students who are carrying out research on the genetics of common human diseases including (but not limited to) cancer, with a preference for research projects that have translational application to human health. Criteria for the award include the quality of proposed research, its impact, the students potential to develop as an independent scientist and ability to effectively communicate with both scientific and lay audiences.

        Eligibility:  PhD or MD/PhD Students who are in good academic standing, carrying out research on the genetics of common human diseases and have completed their first year of studies at GSBS are eligible. As a condition of the award a Translational Science Advisor from the GSBS Faculty must be identified and serve on the student’s advisory committee. Students who are expected to graduate in less than 1.5 years from the time of the application deadline are not eligible to receive this award.

        Current Recipient:

        • Yiming Cai - (Advisor: Haoqiang Ying, PhD) - CB Program
        • Richa Nayak (Advisor: Yejing Ge, PhD) – GE Program

        For Previous Recipients, please click here

      • Andrew Sowell-Wade Huggins Fellowship and Faculty Mentor Recognition Award

        Current Award Amount:  Full support of the student’s stipend tuition and fees for one year. The award may be renewable for up to two additional years depending on availability of funds. 

        Purpose:  This fellowship is provided by the Cancer Answers Foundation and the Sowell and Huggins families in support of a GSBS faculty mentor and student who are together making high impact contributions to cancer research. Criteria for selection include the student’s academic/research achievements and potential as a scientist. The contributions of the advisor to both cancer research and the educational mission of GSBS are also considered. For more information about the Cancer Answers Endowment that provides funding for this fellowship, please click here.

        Eligibility:  Students who are in good academic standing, conducting cancer-related research and have taken the PhD candidacy exam before the application deadline are eligible. Students who are expected to graduate in less than 2 years from the time of the application deadline may not be eligible to receive this award.

        Renewals: Students who are expected to graduate this Fall or before, are not eligible for renewal. Current Fellows eligible for renewals can do so using the GSBS Renewal Application. They will be notified by the GSBS when the renewal application goes online and will receive instructions on how to apply. Please do NOT use the Spring Common application for renewals. 

        Current Recipient:

        • Amanda Warner (Advisor: Don Gibbons, MD, PhD) - CB Program 

        For Previous Recipients, please click here

      • The Russell and Diana Hawkins Family Foundation Discovery Fellowship

        Current Award Amount:  Full support of stipend, tuition and fees for one year. The award may be renewed for up to two additional years.

        Purpose:  These Discovery fellowships provide opportunities for graduate students to develop innovative lines of research in emerging fields of biomedicine under the guidance of outstanding GSBS faculty experts. The awards are directed at identifying particularly promising students and supporting their training to become leaders in a selected high-impact area of science. Applications are currently sought from students who are carrying out groundbreaking studies aimed at enhancing the understanding and/or treatment of neurodegenerative disease.

        Eligibility:  PhD or MD/PhD students who have completed their first year of studies at GSBS are eligible. Students who are early in their graduate careers are encouraged to apply. Students who are expected to graduate in less than 2 years from the time of the application deadline may not be eligible to receive this award. 

        Renewals: Students who are expected to graduate this Fall or before, are not eligible for renewal. Current Fellows eligible for renewals can do so using the GSBS Renewal Application. They will be notified by the GSBS when the renewal application goes online and will receive instructions on how to apply. Please do NOT use the Spring Common application for renewals. 

        Current Recipients:

        • Heather Tsong - (Advisor: Andrea Stavoe, PhD) - GE Program
        • Bridgitte Palacios - (Advisor: Jian Hu, PhD) - CB Program

        For Previous Recipients, please click here

      • Linda M. Wells GSBS Outreach Award

        Current Award Amount:  $500 - $1,000 in funds to student

        Purpose:  This award was created to recognize students who engage in educational and outreach activities that promote the growth and impact of the GSBS on the larger community.

        Eligibility:  All GSBS students who are active members of the GSBS Community Outreach Student Association are eligible to apply.

        Current Recipients: 

        • Hana Baroudi - (Advisor: Laurence Court, PhD) - MP Program

        For Previous Recipients, please click here

      • Larry Deaven PhD Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences

        Current Award Amount:  Full support of stipend, tuition and fees for one year. 

        Purpose:  To support a PhD student in any area of the Biomedical Sciences. Preference is given to candidates who are working in an area of research that holds unusual promise for future innovation.

        Eligibility: PhD or MD/PhD Students who are in good academic standing. Students who are expected to graduate in less than 1.5 years from the time of the application deadline are not eligible to receive this award.

        Current Recipient:

        • Takese McKenzie (Advisor: Jian Hu, PhD) - NS Program

        For Previous Recipients, please click here

      • John and Rebekah Harper Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences

        Current Award Amount:  Full support of stipend, tuition, and fees for one year. Students are eligible for three consecutive years of funding based on progress and academic standing. 

        Purpose:  To recognize outstanding post-candidacy PhD and MD/PhD students in all research areas and to provide them with the opportunity to obtain fellowship support prior to graduation. The award is aimed at supporting students during their third, fourth and fifth years of graduate school. 

        Eligibility:  Post-candidacy GSBS students who are in good academic standing are eligible. Fellowship(s) are open to PhD or MD/PhD students in all areas of translational and basic science research with selection on the basis of academic excellence of the candidate. Students who are expected to graduate in less than 2 years from the time of the application deadline may not be eligible to receive this award.

        Renewals: Students who are expected to graduate this Fall or before, are not eligible for renewal. Current Fellows eligible for renewals can do so using the GSBS Renewal Application. They will be notified by the GSBS when the renewal application goes online and will receive instructions on how to apply. Please do NOT use the Spring Common application for renewals.

        Current Recipient:

        • Wendao Liu - (Advisor: Zhongming Zhao, PhD) - QS Program


           For Previous Recipients, please click here

    • Fall Awards

      Fall Awards

      GSBS students can apply to one (or all) of the Fall Scholarships and Fellowships by submitting the Fall Common Application with the required documents before the application deadline. Students should carefully read the Application Instructions and Awards Eligibility Criteria before starting their applications. 

      International and domestic students are eligible for all Fall GSBS Scholarships and Fellowships. Students who have won GSBS awards in the last year should carefully review the Application Instructions for new rules on award eligibility.

      • Students who are in their first year of their current degree program are not eligible to apply. GS1 MD/PhD students are eligible to apply.
      • If you won a GSBS Award that paid funds directly to you last Fall or after, then you will not be eligible for most of this year's awards. If you won the Dr. John J. Kopchick Fellowship or the Charlene Kopchick Fellowship last Fall, then you will not be eligible to apply for any of this year's Fall awards. (Please note the John J. Kopchick fellows may renew their awards through a separate application process that we will notify them of).

      Call for Applications:  October 3, 2024

      Application Deadline:  November 1 at 5:00 pm

      Notification of Winners: December 2024

      Online Application - Click Here

      List of Fall Awards 

      • Dr. John J. Kopchick Fellowship

        Current Award Amount: $7,500 in funds to student and an additional $7,500 in support of the student's research and training. 

        Purpose:  These fellowships are intended for students who demonstrate exceptional character, extracurricular leadership, research excellence and scholarly merit.   The fellowships may be renewed for a total award period of up to two years.

        Eligibility:   PhD Students in good academic standing who have petitioned for candidacy and not yet completed 4th year in the PhD program are eligible. MD/PhD students must not have completed 3rd year after moving to GSBS.   As the goal of these awards is to recognize our most outstanding students, the receipt of previous GSBS awards will not preclude any eligible student from receiving this fellowship.  Applications will be reviewed by the GSBS Student Scholarship Committee who will also interview finalists and make recommendations of winners to be selected by the GSBS Deans.

        Budgetary Considerations:  Funds cannot be used for capital expenses, administrative salaries or overhead, support staff, equipment, faculty salaries, student stipends or grant writers.  Funds must be expensed within 1 year from the time the funds are made available.  All expenditures must be made in compliance with institutional policies and procedures (MD Anderson or UTHealth).

        Renewals: Current Kopchick Fellows eligible for renewals can do so using the GSBS Renewal Application. They will be notified by the GSBS when the renewal application goes online and will receive instructions on how to apply. Please do NOT use the Fall Common application for renewals.

        Current Recipients:

            First-Year Fellows:

                           Second-Year Fellows:

                          • Stephen Farmer (Advisor: Sheng Zhang, PhD) - MTB Program
                          • Skylar Gay (Advisor: Laurence Court, PhD) - MP Program 
                          • Chrystine Gallegos (Advisor: Carmen Dessauer, PhD) - NS Program 
                          • Pengju Gong (Advisor: Chunru Lin, PhD) - CB Program 
                          • Mo-Fan (Elena) Huang (Advisor: Dung-Fang Lee, PhD) - GE Program 
                          • Kevin Liu (Advisor: Emil Schueler, PhD) - MP Program 
                          • Kaylene Lu (Advisor: Jian Hu. PhD) - CB Program 
                          • Bridgette Palacios (Advisor: Jian Hu, PhD) - CB Program 
                          • Mekenzie Peshoff (Advisor: Long-Jun Wu, PhD and Louise McCullough, MD, PhD) - NS Program  

                              For Previous Recipients, please click here

                            • Charlene Kopchick Fellowship

                              Current Award Amount: $8,250 in funds to student and an additional $8,250 in support of the student's research and training. 

                              Purpose:  These fellowships are to be awarded to GSBS students who demonstrate unique characteristics beyond merit and financial need. Such characteristics may include but not be limited to: first generation college graduates entering graduate research, exemplary personal character, uniqueness of background and culture, strong work ethic, perceived leadership qualities and an enthusiastic scientific curiosity.  These will be one-time awards for the fellow and are not renewable.

                              Eligibility: PhD Students in good academic standing who have petitioned for candidacy and not yet completed 4th year in the PhD program are eligible. MD/PhD students must not have completed 3rd year after moving to GSBS. As the goal of these awards is to recognize our most outstanding students, the receipt of previous GSBS awards will not preclude any eligible student from receiving this fellowship.  Fellows will be selected by the GSBS Deans.

                              Budgetary Considerations:  Funds cannot be used for capital expenses, administrative salaries or overhead, support staff, equipment, faculty salaries, student stipends or grant writers.  Funds must be expensed within 1 year from the time the funds are made available.  All expenditures must be made in compliance with institutional policies and procedures (MD Anderson or UTHealth).

                              Current Recipient:

                              • Mekenzie Peshoff (Advisors: Long-Jun Wu, PhD and Louise McCullough, MD, PhD) - NS Program

                              For Previous Recipients, please click here

                            • Michelle C. Barton, PhD Scholarship

                              Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                              Purpose: Established in honor of Michelle Barton, PhD, this scholarship recognizes one or more exceptional PhD students based on academic merit, with a preference for students from underserved backgrounds. Dr. Barton served as Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences from 2012 to 2020, during which time she made significant contributions to enhancing the student experience and improving training in research and career development. Her legacy at GSBS continues to inspire future generations of scholars.

                              Eligibility: MS/SMS, pre-candidacy and post-candidacy doctoral GSBS students who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply.

                              Current Recipient:

                              • Siyuan He (Advisor: Nicholas Navin, PhD) - QS Program

                            • Jesse B. Heath, Jr. Family Legacy Award

                              Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to students

                              Purpose: This award recognizes exceptional GSBS student(s) whose research projects focus on a critical and innovative area of the biomedical sciences that is designated each year.  

                              For 2024, the Designated Research Area: “Translational Research”

                              Eligibility: MS/SMS, pre-candidacy, and post-candidacy doctoral GSBS students who are in good academic standing and who are working in the identified scientific area are eligible.

                              Current Recipients: 

                              • Sophia Huang (Advisor: Vihang Narkar, PhD) - MTB Program
                              • Beatriz Rios (Advisor: Sheng Zhang, PhD) - NS Program

                              For Previous Recipients, please click here

                            • Ellen Taylor Goldin Legacy Award

                              Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                              Purpose: This award is intended to recognize exceptional graduate students with a preference for those who are interested in radiation sciences.

                              Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing, have interests consistent with the purpose of the award, and have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                              Current Recipient:

                              • Jose Enriquez (Advisor: Pratip Bhattacharya, PhD) - MTB Program

                              For Previous Recipients, please click here

                            • Michael E. Kupferman, MD. Fellowship

                              Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                              Purpose: This Scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Michael E. Kupferman. Dr. Kupferman is a renowned clinician leader and an expert in the surgical management of pediatric head and neck cancers. The Scholarship was established to support GSBS students conducting biomedical research in any area.

                              Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                              Current Recipient:

                              • Julianna Quinn (Advisor: Jun Wang, PhD) - GE Program 

                              For Previous Recipient, please click here

                            • Andrew Sowell-Wade Huggins Scholarship in Cancer Research

                              Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                              Purpose: This Scholarship is provided by the Cancer Answers Foundation and the Sowell and Huggins families to recognize GSBS doctoral students who are conducting cancer-related research and show promise as biomedical researchers. For more information about the Cancer Answers Endowment that provides funding for this scholarship, please click here.

                              Eligibility: Scholarships are available for both pre- and post-candidacy doctoral students who are in good academic standing.  

                              Current Recipients:

                              • Hao-Nien Chen (Advisor: Dihua Yu, MD, PhD) - IMM Program
                              • Megan Fisher (Advisor: Dung-Fang Lee, PhD) - CB Program
                              • Aashish Gupta (Advisor: Kristy Brock, PhD) - MP Program
                              • Wendao Liu (Advisor: Zhongming Zhao, PhD) - QS Program
                              • Shraddha Subramanian (Advisor: Kendra Carmon) - CB Program

                                For Previous Recipients, please click here

                              • Cancer Answers/Sylvan Rodriguez Scholarship

                                Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                                Purpose: One recipient of Andrew Sowell - Wade Huggins Scholarship is designated the Cancer Answers/Sylvan Rodriguez Award Scholar. This honor is bestowed upon the student who, besides scientifically qualifying for the Scholarship, also best exemplifies the qualities of the late Sylvan Rodriguez, a beloved Houston journalist, well known for his community spirit and the promotion of science and science education in the community. For more information about the Cancer Answers Endowment that provides funding for this scholarship, please click here. 

                                Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                Current Recipient:

                                • Haoyi Wu (Advisor: Don Gibbons, MD, PhD) - IMM Program    

                                For Previous Recipients, please click here               

                              • The Antje Wuelfrath Gee and Harry Gee, Jr. Family Legacy Award

                                Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                                Purpose: This award recognizes students who have demonstrated academic excellence and overcome hardships in pursuing career goals. It is targeted particularly at those who previously trained in China, Germany, Mexico or the Philippines.

                                Eligibility: MS/SMS and pre-candidacy doctoral GSBS students who have not completed 3rd year at GSBS, and have previously completed at least one year of primary, secondary or college education in China, Mexico, Germany or the Philippines are eligible.  Priority will be given to students who have overcome hardships in pursuing career goals.  

                                Current Recipient:

                                • Lanxin Bei (Advisor: Wenbo Li, PhD) - GE Program 

                                For Previous Recipients, please click here

                              • T.C. Hsu Memorial Scholarship

                                Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student  

                                Purpose: This Scholarship was established in memory of Dr. T.C. Hsu by his family.  Dr. Hsu was a renowned scientist, a leader in the field of cytogenetics, and a longtime member of the GSBS faculty.  The Scholarship was established to support GSBS students conducting research in the areas of genetics or cell biology.

                                Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                Current Recipients:

                                • Yibo Dai (Advisor: Linghua Wang, MD, PhD) - QS Program 
                                • Mya Rodriguez (Advisor: Andrea Stavoe, PhD) - NS Program

                                For Previous Recipients, please click here

                              • James E. Tempesta, M.D., Endowed Scholarship

                                Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                                Purpose: This scholarship stands as a tribute to the remarkable life and legacy of Dr. James Elias Tempesta, a self-driven individual born to Italian immigrants in Painesville, Ohio. Dr. Tempesta's journey through education, culminating in a medical degree, exemplifies the values of determination and perseverance. This scholarship aims to support GSBS students conducting biomedical research in any area.

                                Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                Current Recipients:

                                • Sabona Simbassa (Advisor: Jayhun Lee, PhD) - MID Program
                                • Zhichao Xu (Advisor: Peng Wei, PhD) - QS Program

                                For Previous Recipient, please click here

                              • Investing in Student Futures Scholarship

                                Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                                Purpose: This endowment was established by Dr. Priscilla Saunders, in memory of her husband and GSBS faculty member Dr. Grady Saunders.  The endowment has been enhanced by gifts of many other contributors.  It is intended to support exceptional GSBS students who are making excellent progress and who are carrying out research in areas designated by the GSBS Deans. 

                                2024 Designated Research Area:  "All areas of Research" 

                                Eligibility: Fellowships are available for both pre- and post-candidacy doctoral students who are in good academic standing.  

                                Current Recipient:

                                • Rachel Shoemaker (Advisor: Dung-Fang Leen, PhD) - MTB Program 

                                    For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                  • Ray Meyn Scholarship for Cancer Research

                                    Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                                    Purpose: This scholarship was established to recognize exceptional GSBS students who are carrying out cancer research, preferably those whose focus is on DNA damage.

                                    Eligibility:  MD Anderson students who are in good academic standing and who have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                    Current Recipients:

                                    • Chae Yun (Kate) Cho (Advisor: Kadir Akdemir, PhD) - CB Program
                                    • Zongsheng Hu (Advisor: Uwe Titt, PhD) - MP Program
                                    • Rutvi Shah (Advisor: Andrea Viale, MD) - CB Program
                                    • Lei Yang (Advisor: Nicholas Navin, PhD) - QS Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Steve Lasher and Janiece Longoria Graduate Student Research Award in Cancer Biology

                                      Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This scholarship supports exceptional students who are working in a critical area of cancer research, with preference for studies impacting leukemia. 

                                      Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Yiming Cai (Advisor: Haoqiang Ying, PhD) - CB Program  

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Oates Family GSBS Endowment

                                      Current Award Amount: $5,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose:  This endowment is provided to enable GSBS students to realize their potential, commit to success, and make discoveries that have major impact on treatment of diseases worldwide.

                                      Eligibility:  MS/SMS and pre-candidacy doctoral GSBS students who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply. The donor prefers that assistance be provided to students who are the first in their families to attend graduate school.

                                      Current Recipients:

                                      • Sarah Ghalayini (Advisor: Natividad Fuentes, PhD) - CB Program
                                      • Jacob Mattia (Advisor: Wenbo Li, PhD) - QS Program
                                      • Wei-Chieh Hu (Advisor: Yuan-Hung Lo, PhD) - CB Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • The George M. Stancel, PhD Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences

                                      Current Award Amount: $4,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: Established in 2011 to honor long time GSBS Dean and Faculty Member Dr. George M. Stancel, this award recognizes students who demonstrate potential, creativity and independence in research on an important area of biomedical science specified by the GSBS Deans.

                                      2024 Designated Research Area:  "Basic Science"

                                      Eligibility:  Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                      Current Recipients:

                                      • Juihsuan Chou (Advisor: Traver Hart, PhD) - QS Program 
                                      • Shucheng Miao (Advisor: Don Gibbons, MD, PhD) - GE Program          

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • R.W. Butcher Achievement Award

                                      Current Award Amount: $4,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: Established by faculty, students, alumni, staff, and friends of GSBS in honor of Dr. R.W. “Bill” Butcher, Dean Emeritus of GSBS.  While Dean, Dr. Butcher encouraged students to develop as citizens as well as scientists.  The Award recognizes GSBS students who have achieved excellence in research and have made contributions to society as a whole, with the highest ethical standards.

                                      Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible. Preference will be given to those actively involved in community service and displaying leadership in extracurricular activities, in line with Dr. Butcher's vision.

                                      Current Recipient: 

                                      • Sseu-Pei Hwang (Advisor: Catherine Denicourt, PhD) - GE Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Gigli Family Endowed Scholarship

                                      Current Award Amount: $3,500 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This scholarship was established by a GSBS faculty member to honor her parents and to recognize an exceptional GSBS student who has financial need or has overcome hardships.  Priority will be placed on applicants who are in the first generation of their family to attend graduate school.

                                      Eligibility: MS/SMS and Pre-candidacy doctoral GSBS students in good academic standing are eligible. 

                                      There are a total of two awards. One of these awards will be given to a second year SMS student from the Genetic Counseling program. Another award will be given to an MS/SMS student in Biomedical Sciences/Medical Physics or a Pre-candidacy PhD student.

                                      Current Recipients:

                                      • Romeesa Khan (Advisor: Louise McCullough, MD, PhD) - IMM Program 
                                      • Nicole Talaba (Advisor: Myla Ashfaq, MS, CGC) - GC Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Sylvan Rodriguez Foundation Scholarship honoring George M. Stancel, PhD

                                      Current Award Amount: $3,500 in funds to student


                                      This Scholarship was established by the Sylvan Rodriguez Foundation in 2012 to honor long time GSBS Dean and faculty member, Dr. George M. Stancel.  The award is also named for Sylvan Rodriguez who was a noted Houston newscaster and community supporter. This award recognizes an outstanding MS, SMS or pre-candidacy PhD student enrolled at the GSBS. For more information about the Cancer Answers Endowment that provides funding for this scholarship, please click here. 


                                      MS/SMS and pre-candidacy doctoral GSBS students who are in good academic standing are eligible.  Criteria for the award include academic excellence while a GSBS student, evidence of outstanding communication skills, and the clear potential to make significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of cancer. Community outreach and service are also considered in selecting a recipient.

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Annette Wu (Advisor: Wen Jiang, MD, PhD) - IMM Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Sam Taub and Beatrice Burton Endowed Fellowship in Vision Disease

                                      Current Award Amount: $3,500 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: Established in 2004, this Scholarship is provided to recognize excellent doctoral students in the area of neuroscience.  Special consideration is given to students who are making research contributions on vision and vision disease. 

                                      Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Madison Shyer (Advisor: Valentin Dragoi, PhD and Paul Schulz, MD) - NS Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Roberta M. and Jean M. Worsham Endowed Fellowship

                                      Current Award Amount: $3,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This Fellowship is provided to foster the training of exceptional GSBS students who are carrying out research in neuroscience or behavioral science.  Special consideration will be given to students whose research is in the area of addiction or obsessive/compulsive behavior.

                                      Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible. 

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Spring Hwang (Advisor: Jian Hu, PhD) - CB Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Endowment

                                      Current Award Amount: $3,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This award recognizes a GSBS student who is conducting outstanding research in any biomedical area.

                                      Eligibility: MS/SMS, pre-candidacy and post-candidacy doctoral GSBS students in good academic standing are eligible.

                                      Current Recipients:

                                      • Sarah Shin (Advisor: Harry Karmouty-Quintana, PhD and Danielle Wu, PhD) - BCB Program
                                      • Yating Li (Advisor: Cassian Yee, MD) - IMM Program 
                                      • Mitheera V (Advisor: Gigi Lozano, PhD) - GE Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Wei Yu Family Endowed Scholarship

                                      Current Award Amount: $3,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This Scholarship was established in 2011 by the family of former GSBS student Dr. Wei Yu to thank the school for providing his doctoral training.  The award is aimed at providing support to students who are working in the broad area of virology including the use of viruses as tool to advance biomedical research.

                                      Eligibility:  Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Akhila Parthasarathy (Advisor: Juan Fueyo, MD) - CB Program   

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • City Federation of Women's Club Endowed Scholarship in the Biomedical Sciences

                                      Current Award Amount: $3,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This Fellowship, created in 2004, is aimed at recognizing excellent GSBS students whose research is at the forefront of a timely area in the biomedical sciences as specified each year by the GSBS Deans. 

                                      2024 Designated Research Area: “Neuroscience"

                                      Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Anna Naglis (Advisor: John O'Brien, PhD and Sean Marrelli, PhD) - NS Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Ralph B. Arlinghaus, PhD Scholarship

                                      Current Award Amount: $3,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This award recognizes exceptional GSBS student who has financial need or has overcome hardships and who demonstrate potential, creativity and independence in research on an important area of biomedical sciences.

                                      Eligibility: MS/SMS, pre-candidacy and post-candidacy doctoral GSBS students who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply.

                                      Current Recipients:

                                      • Anna DeBruine (Advisor: Vihang Narkar) - TAP Program
                                      • Cara Guernsey (Advisor: Kendra Carmon, PhD) - MTB Program 
                                      • Andrea Molina (Advisor: Simon Young, DDS, MD, PhD) - IMM Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • The Fadine Jackson Roquemore Scholarship in Cancer Research

                                      Current Award Amount: $2,500 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: Created in 2011, this award recognizes outstanding basic, translational or clinical research contributions with the potential to positively impact cancer patients.  The award is named for Ms. Fadine Jackson Roquemore who has long participated in providing scholarship support to GSBS students.

                                      Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Altai Enkhbayar (Advisor: Robert Jenq, MD) - CB Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Molly S. Bray, PhD Scholarship

                                      Current Award Amount: $2,500 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This scholarship is provided by GSBS alumnus Dr. Molly Bray to recognize outstanding GSBS PhD and MD/PhD students.

                                      Eligibility:  Students who are in good academic standing and who have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Samantha Hitt (Advisor: Anna Konovalova, PhD) - MID Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Fernando Aron Yarrito Scholarship

                                      Award Amount: $2,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This scholarship is dedicated to honoring the legacy of Fernando Aron Yarrito, a distinguished advocate for higher education. It aims to provide support to GSBS students engaged in cancer-related research, with preference given to pediatric cancers.

                                      Eligibility: Eligible candidates are students in good academic standing, who have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy before the Fall award application cycle deadline.

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • Ivana William (Advisor: Michael Curran, PhD) - IMM Program 

                                      For Previous Recipient, please click here

                                    • Floyd Haar, MD, Endowed Memorial Research Award in Memory of Freda Haar

                                      Current Award Amount: $2,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This scholarship was established to recognize exceptional GSBS students who are carrying out research that will advance the treatment of Leukemia or other cancers. 

                                      Eligibility: Students who are in good academic standing and who have taken the PhD candidacy exam or submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.    

                                      Current Recipient:

                                      • John Sanchez (Advisor: Deepa Sampath, PhD) - TAP Program

                                      For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • Annette Marie Loguidice Scholarship

                                      Award Amount: $2,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This scholarship supports GSBS students in the MS or PhD pre-candidacy who demonstrate financial need, with a preference for SMS students in the Medical Physics program. An additional preference is given to students from Texas or Florida.

                                      Eligibility:  GSBS MS or PhD pre-candidacy students who are in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need are eligible to apply.

                                      Current Recipients:

                                      • Hayden Scott (Advisor: Stephen Kry, PhD) - MP Program
                                      • Michael Yang (Advisor: Mallory Glenn, PhD) - MP Program

                                    • The Janet Elaine Pierce Frye Scholarship for Cancer Research

                                      Current Award Amount: $2,000 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: is a tribute to the legacy of Janet Elaine (Pierce) Frye, a distinguished journalist. Established in her memory, this award is dedicated to supporting GSBS students engaged in cancer research, embodying Janet's commitment to education and science.

                                      Eligibility: MS/SMS and pre-candidacy doctoral GSBS students performing cancer-related research and are in good academic standing are eligible to apply. 

                                      Current Recipient: 

                                      • Dexin Yang (Advisor: Ruoyan Li, PhD) - QS Program 

                                      For Previous Recipient, please click here

                                    • Cancer Answers Scholarship

                                      Current Award Amount: $1,500 in funds to student

                                      Purpose: This Scholarship is provided by the Cancer Answers Foundation to recognize and support GSBS masters and pre-candidacy PhD degree students who are conducting cancer-related research and show promise as biomedical scientists.

                                      Eligibility:  MS and pre-candidacy PhD students who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply.

                                      Current Recipients:

                                      • Munazza Khan (Advisor: Hui-Wen Lo, PhD) - CB Program

                                        For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                      • Henry W. Strobel, PhD Endowed Scholarship

                                        Award Amount: $1,000 in funds to student

                                        Purpose: This Scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Henry Strobel by faculty and friends.  Dr. Strobel was renowned for his humanitarian efforts and a longtime member of the GSBS faculty. The Scholarship was established to support GSBS students conducting biomedical research in any area.

                                        Eligibility:  Students who are in good academic standing and who have completed the PhD candidacy exam or will submit a petition for PhD candidacy prior to the Fall award application cycle deadline are eligible.

                                        Current Recipient:

                                        • Nicolas Moreno (Advisor: Cynthia Ju, PhD) - MTB Program

                                        For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                    • GSBS Research Awards

                                      GSBS Research Awards

                                      The GSBS offers the Research Awards listed below to support research costs of projects carried out by GSBS students together with their GSBS advisors. By submitting the pre-application linked below, student/advisor teams will be considered for all GSBS Research Grant Awards for which they are eligible. 

                                      Call for Pre-applications:  June 5, 2025

                                      Deadline for Pre-applications: July 7, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

                                      Notification of Finalists: Late July, 2025

                                      Deadline for Final applications: September 5, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

                                      Notification of Winners:  October 2025

                                      Please click here for pre-application and final application forms with instructions (Currently Closed)

                                      List of Research Awards 

                                      • The Pauline Altman-Goldstein Discovery Fellowships

                                        The Pauline Altman-Goldstein Discovery Fellowships will be given to two GSBS students and their GSBS advisors carrying out groundbreaking research studies on the prevention, causes, and treatments of cancer at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Funding will be up to $35,000 of research expenses per award over a one-year period. PhD or MD/PhD students who are conducting cancer-related research, have completed their first year of studies at GSBS and have affiliated with a GSBS research advisor at the MD Anderson Cancer Center are eligible.

                                        Current Recipients: 

                                        • Kevin Liu (Advisor: Emil Schueler, PhD) - MP program
                                        • Mitheera V (Advisor: Guillermina Lozano, PhD) - GE program

                                        For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                        • Dr. John J. Kopchick Research Award

                                          The Dr. John J. Kopchick Research Award is made possible by a generous gift from Dr. John J. Kopchick and Charlene Kopchick. This award will be given to a GSBS student and their GSBS advisor. It will support up to $50,000 of research expenses over a one-year period. The award is intended to provide pilot funding for innovative research projects in any area of biomedical science. All GSBS students who are in the PhD or MD/PhD degree programs and are in good academic standing are eligible to apply. 

                                          Current Recipient: 

                                          • 2024 - Lei Yang (Advisor: Nick Navin, PhD) – QS program

                                          For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                        • President's Research Excellence Award

                                          This competitive research grant is supported by the President’s Research Excellence Fund and is established in honor of Sue and Logan Brown’s generous commitment to basic science research. It will be awarded in support of an innovative and impactful research project in any area of biomedical science that is carried out by a GSBS student and their advisor at UTHealth. Total funding will be up to $50,000 over a one-year period. All GSBS PhD or MD/PhD students who are carrying out dissertation research at UTHealth and are in good academic standing are eligible to apply.

                                          Current Recipient: 

                                          • 2024 - Brandy Walker (Advisor: Rachel Miller, PhD) – GE program

                                          For Previous Recipients, please click here

                                      • Program-Specific Awards

                                        These fellowships are available to students in specific GSBS programs that organize the selection of winners.

                                        Aaron Blanchard Research Award in Medical Physics

                                        Current Recipient:

                                        • 2023 - Tianzhe Li (Advisor: Mark Pagel, PhD)