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GS04 1751 Design and Delivery of Advanced Research Seminar

  • Credit Hours: 1
  • Grading System: Pass/Fail
  • Prerequisites: None


This course has two major objectives. The first is to familiarize students with current research in regulatory biology with particular emphasis on molecular mechanisms of cell regulation and signaling. The second goal is to teach students how to give outstanding research seminars. Weekly 90-minute meetings involve alternate faculty and student presentations on current problems in regulatory biology. Faculty presentations introduce each topic and provide a broad and critical overview of approaches used to tackle research problems. Student presentations cover recent articles from leading journals on the same topic. Students are instructed in the preparation of slides/overheads, seminar organization and techniques of oral presentation and are given detailed feedback by faculty and fellow students following their presentations. Three to four topics are covered each year and the topics discussed vary annually. Students can, and often do, register for the course multiple times during their graduate careers.