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Information Technology

Information Technology is responsible for all computing, classroom A/V, and distance learning capabilities at the MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School. 


Listed below are best practices and how-to guides for video conferencing GSBS classes, both on and off-site. If you have questions after referencing the information below, please let us know at [email protected].

If you are needing to record a UTHealth WebEx session you are hosting, a request must be made through the IT department three days prior to your event. Email us at [email protected] to enable recording capabilities.

WebEx Desktop client and Outlook plugin removed from MD Anderson computers

The WebEx desktop client and Outlook plugin applications were uninstalled from MD Anderson owned and managed computers as MD Anderson no longer supports personnel with scheduling or hosting virtual meetings on the WebEx platform.

MD Anderson personnel can still join a WebEx meeting or event outside of MD Anderson, by using the WebEx web app. Click the link to join from the meeting invite, and if prompted click “Join from your browser.”

You can review these step-by-step instructions for joining WebEx meetings via the web app.

Visit for more info on MD Anderson Zoom and MS Teams: Inside MD Anderson Virtual Meetings page.

UTHealth will continue to license and support WebEx for students, faculty and staff at 

Hybrid Best Practices

Below are some best practices you may find helpful during your next hybrid class.

Have your own personal or institution log in for your video conference software. An account will not be provided or available for instructors.

Be sure to upload class documents on a cloud service such as Canvas, UTH-Share (Google Drive) or BOX prior to class. Documents must be made readily available to both on and off-site students, and having them uploaded prior to class will ensure a smooth transition into that day's lecture. Be sure to share that cloud storage link with all students, and that permissions have been set for proper access.

Be sure to share your video conference link to those viewing on and off-site. You can include this in documents for the class, in specific sections in Canvas, or even emailing the link to participants.

Arrive on-site fifteen minutes prior to the start of class. This allows you to log into your WebEx, Zoom or your choice video conference software before class begins. This also gives you time to troubleshoot any issues you, or off-site participants may be experiencing.

When lecturing, please remain in view of the webcam so off-site viewers can see you during the lecture.

If you are using PowerPoint or other presentation software, please note that off-site viewers will not be able to see hand gestures or laser pointers on the screen. Utilize the mouse and laser pointer function of the presentation software to point out the information you may be discussing.

If you have a Teachers Assistant, have them keep eye on the video conference chat so they may moderate and relay questions to the class and the instructor. Also, if a student asks a question in class you may want to repeat the question for those viewing the lecture off-site.