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MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) is a unique collaboration between UTHealth Houston and MD Anderson Cancer Center. This synergistic partnership provides students with unparalleled access to modern facilities, world-class faculty and unlimited prospects for research in the biomedical sciences.


Financial Assistance:

For entering PhD students

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA) are provided to all PhD students. These assistantships require no service other than degree-related academic activities. GRAs are valued at $53,000 per year and include: 

  • Stipend of $36,000 per annum (effective Fall 2023)
  • Payment of the student’s tuition and required fees (valued at more than $6,600 for a full-time student who registers for the 12-month academic year)
  • Students receive health insurance benefits at no (premium) cost to the student (valued at $10,400). In addition, students may opt to pay additional costs to extend coverage to dependents. Optional dental and vision coverage are also made available at competitive rates.  

For continuing PhD students 

After sixteen months of support, GSBS students are supported by their faculty advisor through traineeships, research assistantships, or through a number of special fellowships. All of these awards carry the same benefits and at least the same level of stipend as described above for entering students.

In addition, however, a variety of additional awards and opportunities are available to current GSBS students:

  • More than 100 fellowships and scholarships (totaling more than $1.5 million annually in 2021-2022) are awarded. These competitive awards range from $500 to $5,000 and supplement the student's assistantship or traineeship stipend. GSBS also offers several competitive fellowships. A full list of scholarships and fellowships available through GSBS may be found here.
  • For students who wish to gain teaching instruction and experience, GSBS makes available teaching assistantships.
  • The Office of Career Development assists interested students with internship opportunities.
  • GSBS provides approximately $40,000 each year to help students defray the costs of attending scientific meetings. These travel awards range from $350 to $500 and are granted to students who have been selected to make a presentation (talk or poster) at a regional, national or international meeting.
  • Loans are also available to students in all years of study through Student Financial Services.

For entering MS students

Financial support is not offered to MS candidates by the graduate school. Students enrolling in the MS Program in Biomedical Sciences will be supported by a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) by their faculty advisor once they join a lab, unless they choose to waive the GRA. The GRA for MS Biomedical Students includes an annual stipend of $28,000-$36,000, health insurance, and sponsorship of tuition and fees.

Students admitted to our MS programs in Genetic Counseling and Medical Physics are not guaranteed an assistantship and are generally self-funded throughout their education.

MS students are encouraged to apply for financial aid through the Office of Student Financial Services.

Financial Policies and Information