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Policies and Procedures

For finance-related policies and questions, please contact [email protected].

For academic-related policies and questions, please contact [email protected].


  • Academic Probation


    Any of the following actions or conditions can cause the student to be placed on academic probation:

    • Failure of any course. A grade of F in any course taken while a student at GSBS is grounds for dismissal from GSBS. The student may elect to request that the Dean allow him/her to retake the course the next time it is offered (usually within one year) rather than being subject to dismissal. Such requests are made via the student's advisor/advisory committee and the Academic Standards Committee. If the request is granted, the student must earn a grade of A or B in that course; a grade of C in the retake will result automatically in dismissal. During the interim the student will be on academic probation. If the student passes the course, the F will remain on the transcript, but only the new grade will be calculated in the GPA.
    • Failure to maintain a Graduate School grade point average of 3.0 or better. The GPA must be raised to a 3.0 or better within one year. A student who receives a grade of C in a course may choose to retake the course to raise his/her GPA. In this case, only the second grade would be used in the GPA calculation, but the original (C) grade will remain on the student's transcript.
    • Failure to meet with his or her Advisory Committee within a six-month period.
    • Failure to meet the particular requirements for the M.S. or Ph.D. degree in the time periods specified by ht GSBS 
    • Failure to make satisfactory progress toward the degree or perform academically in a satisfactory manner, as determined by the student's Advisory Committee.
    • Release of the student by the Research Advisor due to the students's unsatisfactory progress toward the degree


    The Dean may place a student on academic probation for any of the reasons given above or other academic-related deficiencies on a case-by-case basis. Written notification will be provided to the student, his or her Advisor or Advisory Committee, and Program Director (if applicable). Within one month of notification, the student, in consultation with the Advisor or Advisory Committee and Program Committee (if appropriate), will submit to the ASC a proposed course of action to resolve the student's academic difficulties. The ASC will review the proposal, approve it or suggest modifications and forward its recommendations to the Dean. The Dean will make the final decision on the student's proposal and inform the student of the conditions to be met. The student will remain on probation until otherwise notified by the GSBS Office of Academic Affairs.


    Any student on probation will not be allowed to/or eligible to:

    • Stand for the M.S. final oral thesis examination 
    • Petition for the Ph.D. written/oral candidacy examination (except when probation is due to failure to submit a petition) 
    • Stand for the defense of the Ph.D. dissertation pr M.S. thesis
    • Receive GSBS Scholarships, Fellowships or Travel Awards.
    • Serve as officers in GSBS student organizations or members of GSBS standing committees
    • Participate in internships 
  • Academic Standards Committee


    The Academic Standards Committee (ASC) is responsible for maintaining the highest academic standards in GSBS degree programs and for ensuring that Faculty policies concerning academic standards are carried out. One of the Committee's principal functions is to monitor and facilitate student progress toward the completion of the M.S. or Ph.D. program of study.

    In practice, the ASC reviews appointments to all student Advisory and Examining Committees; considers requests by students for waiver or substitution of GSBS degree requirements; reviews degree plans and reports of examinations; reviews proposals by students on resolving academic difficulties; and considers reports of academic inadequacy. Decisions by the ASC on all these matters are forwarded as recommendations to the Dean of the Graduate School who renders final decisions for GSBS and informs students of the outcome.

    Requests for appointment of student committees, requests for waiver or substitution of GSBS requirements, petitions for candidacy, requests for examinations and defense, and notifications of the results of examinations are submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA), GSBS, BSRB 3.8451. The OAA makes a preliminary review of the documents, suggests additions or revisions, and distributes the materials to the Academic Standards Committee or the Dean, as appropriate.

    Reports on the meetings of students' Advisory Committees are to be submitted to the OAA.

    The policies and procedures described here have been reviewed and approved by the ASC, the Dean, and the GSBS Faculty.

  • Cooperative Agreements

    The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) has formal cooperative agreements with Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Texas A&M HSC-IBT, and University of Houston, enabling GSBS students to take courses and use specialized research facilities at these institutions. GSBS students may enroll in graduate courses in these area institutions to obtain training related to their degree program at GSBS. Students who wish to take courses at these institutions must be registered for at least six credit hours with the GSBS, and must inform their advisor and their advisory committee of registration for courses outside of the GSBS. For further information, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs (713-500-9871). Forms for the registration for courses with these cooperating institutions are available on the UTHealth Registrar website.

  • Dismissal

    The following conditions or circumstances describes the most common conditions or circumstances in which the Dean may dismiss a student from the GSBS, which includes but is not limited to:

    • If the student fails any course; or
    • If the student fails to identify a research advisor within the allotted period for the degree program; or
    • If the student’s academic deficiencies are not resolved within the time period specified in policy or by the Dean; or
    • A student displays substantial deficiencies in his or her ability to perform effectively in a laboratory, or other research or training environment (as determined by one or more GSBS faculty members); or
    • After release by the research advisor, a student is unable to identify a new research advisor and provide a satisfactory plan for degree completion; or
    • After voluntarily seeking new mentorship, a student is unable to identify a new research advisor and provide a satisfactory plan for degree completion; or
    • If the student fails the PhD candidacy examination.


    The Academic Standards Committee will consider any questions concerning a student's academic progress in which dismissal is a possible outcome, and will make the decision concerning the dismissal of the student.  If the student wishes to appeal the decision of the Academic Standards Committee, he or she may appeal to the Dean, who will consider the evidence and render a decision on the appeal.  The Dean's decision is final.


    Any student who withdraws from GSBS or is asked to leave because of unsatisfactory progress must wait one year before applying for readmission. Upon re-application, students are evaluated by the GSBS Admissions Committee on a case-by-case basis. Those who appear to have the potential to complete the degree program successfully are recommended for admission to the Dean. The Dean makes the final decision concerning readmission.

  • Grading Policies

    Graduate students must be assigned letter grades (A, B, C, F) for completion of formal courses listed in the GSBS Catalog. For computation of the GPA: A = 4, B = 3, C= 2, and F = 0.

    Grades received in approved graduate courses taken at other institutions will be recorded as submitted by the institution but will not be calculated in the GSBS GPA unless cross-listed as a GSBS course.

    Literature Surveys, Special Project: Research, Seminars, Laboratory Tutorials, and Research courses listed in the GSBS Catalog are assigned grades of pass (P) or fail (F). A grade of P will not be included in the computation of a student's GPA.

    For Special Project: Course, the instructor may assign either a letter grade (A, B, C, F) or a grade of pass or fail. However, the grading system must be the same for all students in the course. A letter grade will be included in the computation of a student's GPA, a grade of pass will not.

    Thesis for Master of Science and Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy will be graded pass or fail.

    The symbol I, reported when the student has not completed all the assignments in a course before its conclusion, is valid for one semester. Before the end of the following semester, the student must turn in the required work for a regular grade or else the incomplete will be replaced with an F. Under unusual circumstances, the student may apply through the instructor for an extension of the I period until the next time the course is offered. I's are not normally granted on the basis of poor academic performance. 

    The symbol WP is given when a student with a satisfactory course performance withdraws from a course within the first nine weeks of class with the consent of the instructor. A WP, by itself, will not prevent the student from withdrawing from the Graduate School in good standing. The symbol WF is given if the student has unsatisfactory course performance up to the date of withdrawal. A WF grade is equivalent to an F in the calculation of the GPA. There will be no withdrawal after the last day of the ninth week of class.

    A grade of F in any course taken while a student at GSBS is grounds for dismissal from GSBS. The student may elect to request that the Dean allow him/her to retake the course the next time it is offered (usually within one year) rather than being subject to dismissal. Such requests are made via the student's advisor/advisory committee and the Academic Standards Committee. If the request is granted, the student must earn a grade of A or B in that course; a grade of C in the retake will result automatically in dismissal. During the interim the student will be on academic probation. If the student passes the course, the F will remain on the transcript, but only the new grade will be calculated in the GPA.

    Students may retake a GSBS course, in which case both the new and previous grades will appear on the transcript but only the second grade will be calculated in the GPA. Students whose GPA is less than 3.0 may not retake courses in which they received a B in an effort to raise their GPA to 3.0 or above.


    In attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades or evaluations, it is the obligation of the student first to make a good faith effort to resolve the matter with the faculty member involved. Individual faculty members retain primary responsibility for assigning grades and evaluations. The faculty member's judgment is final unless compelling evidence suggests discrimination, differential treatment or mistake. If the evidence warrants appeal, the student must submit a request in writing with supporting evidence to the Dean. The determination of the Dean is final.

  • Leave of Absence/ Time away from the lab

    The GSBS allows students to request an official Leave of Absence (LOA) for up to one year.  During an official LOA, the student cannot be paid by the advisor or the GSBS as a student, but the student may work at outside employment.  Students may request an official LOA from the Office of Academic Affairs at the GSBS.  Students must state a date when they will return to the GSBS.  If they do not return by that date, and they have not been granted an extension of the LOA, they will be considered to have withdrawn from the GSBS. Students funded by GSBS are funded for the specified term for continuous enrollment.  If a student takes a LOA during the time funded by GSBS, no guarantee can be made that the GSBS-funded time lost during the LOA can be "re-captured" once the student returns to their studies.

    Students may return prior to the date indicated on the LOA form.  Students returning from LOA do not need to re-enter the Admissions process, but they must notify the Office of Academic Affairs that they are returning at least 30 days prior to the first day of class of the semester in which they wish to re-enroll.  Extensions of the official LOA for a maximum of up to one additional year may be requested through the Office of Academic Affairs, and must have the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School.  Requests for extensions must be submitted at least 30 days before the end of the initial leave.

    In cases where a student on leave of absence has separated from the thesis/dissertation advisor, the student must identify a faculty member who is willing to serve as the new thesis/dissertation advisor prior to the student’s re-enrollment in the GSBS. The new advisor and a plan for completing the thesis/dissertation must also be approved by the GSBS Academic Standards Committee.

    In cases where a student is returning from a leave of absence that was initiated after, or coincident with, being placed on academic probation, the student must submit a plan for remedying the academic issue and completing the degree program at least 60 days prior to returning to the GSBS.  This plan must be approved by the Academic Standards Committee before the student may enroll again.

    An official LOA request petition must be filled out by the student and turned into the Office of Academic Affairs.  As a part of this form, numerous signatures are required from various offices around the Texas Medical Center, indicating that the appropriate institutional individuals and offices approve the request for a LOA with non-registered status. 

    Note that any student who fails to register for any semester and who has not been granted an official leave of absence or been approved as a non-registered candidate for a degree will be considered to have withdrawn from GSBS. Once having withdrawn, a student who wishes to continue formal studies must apply and be readmitted to GSBS.


    Students receive their stipends as employees of one of the GSBS parent institutions, each of which has their own employment policies and procedures with which the student must comply.  UTHealth and MDACC each have their own policies on several issues, such as the amount of time graduate students are permitted to be away from their lab or workplace for purposes such as sick leave, vacation, family-related leave, etc.  The GSBS policy on time away from the lab is deferred to the policy of the institution at which the student is employed.  When a student joins the lab/group of a faculty member, the student should apprise him/herself of these policies.  In all cases, however, the students should remember that he/she is employed by the advisor, and the advisor sets the standards for work ethic and policies of the lab, including attendance standards and expectations.  The student and advisor should always explicitly discuss the advisor's expectations before they make a mutual commitment.  In all cases, it is the student's responsibility to request time away from the lab (or expected lab activities; in advance,when possible) and to keep the advisor, or the advisor's designee, informed in a timely manner of any unanticipated absences, e.g., for illness, family emergencies, etc.

    Students who wish to discuss a leave of absence and/or obtain the form and instructions to request a leave should contact the GSBS Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.


  • Use of Web-Based Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Institutional policies on the use of generative AI

    Web-based generative artificial intelligence (AI) programs such as ChatGPT and Bing are exciting new tools that many students may want to access. However, it is important to know that anything loaded onto these programs becomes public knowledge. Because of this, both of our parent institutions, MD Anderson (ADM1187) and UTHealth Houston (ITPOL-039), prohibit uploading of proprietary or confidential information onto these types of software. The types of information that are prohibited by our parent institutions from use on web-based AI includes primary, unpublished data, protected health information (PHI), and all forms of intellectual property (IP). These data and information must always be protected, and it is the responsibility of any holder of this information to do so. One way to protect this information is to use MDACC- or UTHealth Houston-licensed generative AI programs. Data entered into these programs is not made public. Hence proprietary and confidential information are protected. Web-based AI technologies present incredible potential for achieving the missions of both institutions, but remember that anything you load onto them becomes public and may be accessed by any party. You must carefully consider whether the data you load onto these programs conforms with policies at both institutions.

    GSBS policy on the use of generative AI

    Generative AI describes algorithms (e.g., ChatGPT, DALL-E, and others) that can be used to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and video. The generative AI available today is the beginning of a technology that is expected to become extremely widespread. Before using generative AI in the completion of course assignments or to aid in the writing of academic documents, students are advised to learn about the capabilities and limitations of these resources. For example, generative AI is known to produce outputs that include factually incorrect information and it is often not possible to identify the original sources of the content. The submission of proprietary information in queries to such websites may also result in its unrestricted sharing and loss of intellectual property rights. The policies below are not intended to limit the use of generative AI technology in original scientific research but rather to define its correct use in the context of courses and academic documents required by GSBS for the completion of the MS and PhD degrees.

    Use in Dissertation, Thesis, and the PhD Candidacy Exam
    GSBS policy states that the dissertations, thesis, and written component(s) of the PhD candidacy exam are expected to be composed entirely of the student’s writing. Therefore, paraphrased or verbatim text generated by generative AI-based sources such as ChatGPT should not be included in these documents, unless it is clearly identified with quotation marks and appropriately cited as such. In addition, references within AI-generated content should be checked for accuracy, as these programs have been known to incorrectly cite prior work. Failure to properly cite the use of generative AI is an ethical violation if the work is presented as the student’s own original work. Inclusion of AI-generated content may negatively impact the evaluation of these documents by particular faculty committees. Please note that this rule does not prohibit the use of writing tools such as Grammarly.

    Use in GSBS Courses
    Allowance of the use of generative AI-based resources such as ChatGPT in completing course assignments or exams is completely at the discretion of the instructor. If permitted, information from these sources (e.g., data, text, analysis) should always be accompanied by appropriate citations. Instructors are highly encouraged to clearly communicate their policy on the use of AI sources to all students in the course syllabus. In the event that an instructor does not provide direction on the use of these sources, students are required to request permission for their use prior to completing course assignments and exams. 

  • Internships

    Thinking about pursuing an internship position? Contact [email protected]

  • Off-site Training


    A student's advisor may deem it important for the student to travel to an off-site location to obtain short-term training necessary for the successful completion of the dissertation research.  The advisor and student should submit letters to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (Dr. Jeffrey Frost) to describe the situation leading to the need for off-site training.  These letters should indicate the institution and faculty member under whose supervision the student will work.  The faculty member's letter should indicate the source of funding that will support the student's stipend during the off-site training.



    If a student's advisor accepts a position at another institution, the student may wish to follow the faculty member to the new institution to complete the degree. That is possible if the student has satisfied the candidacy conditions for the degree prior to departure. In that case, the student will remain a GSBS student but complete the dissertation research at the new location. If a student is pre-candidacy, the student should resign as a GSBS student and submit an application for admission to the new institution. The student and/or advisor are encouraged to contact Dr. Natalie Sirisaengtaksin and Dr. Ogunseye to discuss the student's options. Once plans are set, both the student and the departing faculty member must write a letter to Dr. Jeffrey Frost to explain the circumstances and timing of the move.

    For students who move off-site with their advisors, the following rules apply:

    The student will not maintain GSBS Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) status at the new institution. Arrangements for the student's stipend must be made by the advisor at the new institution. 

    Domestic students who begin off-site training after the fall semester of 2015 must register for at least one hour of credit each term until they graduate. This is important to maintain the student's identity at UTHealth, which will allow the student to retain his/her UTHealth email account. Because these students will no longer have GSBS GRA status, if they are not Texas residents, they will pay tuition at the non-resident rate.

    International students who go off-site are required to register at GSBS as full-time students each term until they graduate. These students will no longer have GSBS GRA status so they are not awarded resident status and therefore pay tuition at the non-resident rate.

    All students who go off-site must identify an on-site advisor.

    Just like all GSBS students, off-site students must meet with their Advisory Committee at least once every 6 months.

    The dissertation defense must occur on-site.

  • New Student Orientation

    All entering GSBS students will begin their studies on August 23, 2021 with a week-long orientation. Incoming students will receive a sophisticated introduction to graduate school through our unique program that will expose them to tools designed to help them “hit the ground running” and succeed at the highest levels in graduate school. Additional information and events.

  • Employee Degree Guidelines

    Guidelines for Employees Who Wish To Pursue a Ph.D. Degree

    Any employee of an institution in the Texas Medical Center may, with consent of the instructor and approval of the supervisor, register for one GSBS course during each semester. He/she may register for up to two courses with permission of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. If the employee is eventually admitted to GSBS, these courses, taken as an employee, will appear on the student's GSBS transcript and may be used to meet GSBS degree requirements, with the approval of the student's Advisory Committee and the Academic Standards Committee.

    One of the courses the employee is permitted to take is a laboratory research tutorial. To do so, the employee must register for the GSBS course entitled Special Project: Research (GS001530). This Special Project: Research must simulate, in its requirements, the GSBS course entitled Tutorial Research Experience (GS001514). That is, it should represent a real learning experience in the laboratory of a GSBS faculty member and not the activity of a laboratory technician. A minimum of 200 hours of effort are required for the two credit hour tutorial/Special Project, generally a minimum of 20 hours per week. Employees do not need to complete their didactic coursework before registering for Special Projects.

    If the employee is admitted to the PhD program of the GSBS, one of these tutorial-like Special Projects may be used to fulfill one tutorial requirement of the PhD degree. Each of the three tutorial rotations required for the PhD must be performed under the guidance of a different GSBS faculty member, and at least one tutorial must be conducted while the student is registered full-time in the PhD program. However, one of the three required tutorials may be waived by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs if the student enters GSBS with an MS degree that involved laboratory-based research and a thesis, or with other appropriate research experience, for example, resulting in publications.

    Upon admission to the PhD program, the employee must become a full-time graduate student. That is, regular employment must cease and must be replaced by full-time graduate study. The student's financial support will be in the form of a Graduate Research Assistantship at the standard GSBS level ($32,000 per annum effective Fall 2018). 

  • Employee Registration

    For the most up-to-date information on employee registration and deadlines, please visit our Registration Page.

    Employees of institutions within the Texas Medical Center may register as a non-degree student for one or more GSBS course each term provided they have the instructor's consent, their supervisor's approval and have complete documentation by the deadline date.

    A completed application/registration form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at 7000 Fannin Suite 2250 Houston, TX 77030. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, the completed form may be emailed to [email protected].  Additionally, in place of a signature from the course instructor and your supervisor on the form, an email from same allowing you to take the class is acceptable. Please include this as part of your submission. 

    First time employee applicants will need to submit the application form approximately 5 working days ahead of the open registration deadline to allow some time for all required processing. It is not possible to submit an application on the deadline day and complete the required processing at the end of business that day.  Please allow yourself plenty of time to obtain the appropriate documentation. The Office of the Registrar will not enroll you in the class unless all *documents required are completed.”

     You may choose to take a course for audit or credit and the following forms are  applicable only for GSBS courses.   

    To take a course for credit:

    To audit a course:

    *Documents required: (by the registrar’s office to complete registration before the deadline)

    • Complete and submit Certificate of Immunization:  

      • Certain immunizations are required before a student can register for classes. A hold will be placed on your record until the form is received.  A complete immunization form must be uploaded into myUTH. You will receive your myUTH account information via email from the Office of the Registrar once your information has been processed by the Registrar's office. Please see the FAQ for questions or contact Student Health Services for assistance regarding required immunizations.
      • Beginning with the Spring 2012 semester, Texas law mandates that all new and transfer students show proof of vaccination against bacterial meningitis. For more information, including exceptions permitted by law, please see page 4 of the immunization form.
    • Residency Information (if claiming Texas residency)

    • Criminal Background Check (processing takes 5-10 days) – Complete criminal background check (CBC) and identify verification. GSBS has contracted with Pre-Check to process background checks for entering students. This background check is a separate requirement from any background check performed as part of your employment.

      Click to begin the process of obtaining the background check. You are responsible for the payment of any fees associated with the CBC processing and the amount may vary depending on country/state. Pre-Check will contact you directly regarding additional fees. For questions regarding the background check, please contact Lenay Johnson.

    • Completed Sponsorship Authorization Form (only needed if a program or department will pay your tuition and fees). The sponsor or program should submit the form electronically by the payment deadline and follow the GSBS-Specific Guide when completing the form. If the tuition and fees are not sponsored or paid (if you are self-funded) on the last day of the add/drop period by 5:00 p.m., the student’s registration will be canceled.  The Registrar will make no exceptions to this rule and the student will not be reinstated for the semester. For questions regarding the sponsorship authorization form/process, contact [email protected].  Students who will be paying on their own should make it a point to check myUTH to know what they need to pay in tuition and fees. 
    • Employees on a visa who wish to take a GSBS course as a non-degree seeking employee will also need to check with the UTHealth Office of International Affairs. This office may be reached at [email protected]. They are located at 7000 Fannin, Suite 130
      Houston, Texas 77030

    For further information about the registration process or to follow up on your registration, please send an email to [email protected].

    Please note that employees who take a GSBS course are subject to the same policies and grading systems used for regular GSBS degree-seeking students. 


  • Stipend Policy

    Graduate Student Stipends

    1. PhD students are supported with a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) which includes a stipend of $36,000 per year (effective Fall 2023), full payment of tuition and fees and health insurance benefits. PhD students engage in tutorial research projects during their first year of study and select a faculty advisor prior to the start of their 2nd year of study. The Graduate School provides financial support of the GRA for the first 16 months; the faculty advisor is responsible for supporting the GRA thereafter. PhD students are supported with a GRA for the duration of their training, as long as they maintain full-time enrollment in the PhD program and continue to make satisfactory progress towards completion of academic milestones and degree requirements.

    2. The GRA is a .5 FTE student-employee position. Thus GRAs must follow all applicable employment policies of the institution in which they are appointed (UTHealth Houston or MD Anderson).

    3. Students who hold a GRA automatically qualify for in-state tuition and fee rates.

    4. The GRA/stipend awarded to GSBS students are intended to contribute sufficiently to meeting educational and living costs so that students can devote full time to their studies. It is the expectation of the Graduate School, therefore, that students holding stipends will not undertake activities, including employment of any kind, that will interfere with their educational program or delay their progress toward the degree.

      An exception to this policy will be made by the Dean only if the activity proposed by the student (1) can be justified as contributing in some fashion to his/her training as a researcher/teacher and (2) involves no more than 80 hours of effort over the course of an academic year. Students who participate in extracurricular activities which require a substantial involvement of time must obtain the approval of their advisor prior to initiating the activity.

    5. Combined Award Policies

      Outside fellowships--A student who applies directly to a funding agency outside the University and is awarded a fellowship may hold that fellowship in combination with a Graduate Research Assistantship as long as the combined payments from the outside fellowship and the GRA do not exceed 130% of the standard GSBS stipend level. The detailed policy may be found here.

    Health Insurance

    Health insurance, vision insurance, and dental insurance plans are available to GSBS students. The plans offered to GRAs by the UT System are described at

    All students are required to have health insurance. Students who have been awarded a GRA will be covered by the employee medical policy after the initial new hire waiting period. However, all international students will be required to purchase a supplemental insurance policy to cover costs in the event of medical evacuation or repatriation.

  • Remote Work Policy

    GSBS students are expected to perform the majority of their research and educational training on campus. Students who hold a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) are not permitted to work outside the state of Texas due to taxation and employment law implications. Additionally, international students cannot work remotely to satisfy physical presence requirements of their visa. 

    Students traveling for 14 days or more, or for any international travel, should contact the GSBS Office of Academic Affairs at least three weeks in advance to obtain the appropriate travel approvals. For circumstances when three weeks’ notice is not possible, please contact the GSBS Office of Academic Affairs as soon as possible. 

    Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the GSBS Dean’s Office. Students in labs at MD Anderson and international students require additional approvals. Exceptions will only be considered if a clear educational benefit can be demonstrated (i.e., internships and fellowships). For questions, please contact the Dean’s office at [email protected].   

  • MD Anderson Cancer Center Drug and Tobacco Testing

    MD Anderson Cancer Center Drug and Tobacco Testing 

    As member institutions of The University of Texas System, UTHealth Houston and MD Anderson Cancer Center are committed to having campuses that are free of the illegal or abusive use of drugs and alcohol. 

    MD Anderson Cancer Center is a tobacco-free hiring workplace. MD Anderson requires drug and tobacco screening of all new hires, including Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs). GSBS students who select a faculty advisor at MD Anderson and hold a GRA student-employee position at MD Anderson must pass a drug and tobacco test. 

    Consequences of a Positive Drug or Tobacco Test Result

    Removal of the offer of GRA with ineligibility to work at MD Anderson (with or without pay) for six (6) months.

    Students who have drug and/or alcohol abuse problems or use tobacco are encouraged to seek help, especially prior to mandatory drug and tobacco testing. The following is a listing of resources available to help you: 

    Resources at UTHealth Houston
    Student Health & Counseling Services 

    UTHealth Houston Employee Assistance Program  

    Resources at MD Anderson 
    MD Anderson Employee Assistance Program 
    MD Anderson Tobacco Treatment Program – available for ALL GSBS Students 
    713-792-22685 or [email protected]

    Other Resources 
    UT Select Tobacco Cessation Program 

    Related Institutional Policies

    UTHealth Houston: 
    Fitness for  Participation (Students) –  Policy Number 163 
    Substance Abuse – Policy Number 173 

    MD Anderson: Policies may be viewed here. 
    Drug-Free Campus & Workplace Policy – ACA0278 
    Tobacco Free Policy – ADM0258 

  • Tuition and Fees

    For more information from the finance team on Tuition and Fees, please click here


  • Computing and Information Technology

    Passwords. Passwords are NEVER to be shared with anyone and under any circumstances. It is a violation of University policy to share a password. Passwords expire every 90 days. Passwords must meet a "strong" complexity requirement as outlined in the password change procedure. You can reset or recover your password through this link:

    Email. You are responsible for monitoring official email from GSBS and UTHealth which will only be sent to your official email account (ending in Automatic forwarding of GSBS/UTHealth email is not permitted.

    Account Duration. A change in your official status as a student according to the UTHealth Office of the Registrar will cause your network and email accounts to be deleted based on any of the following:

    • You withdraw from all your classes.
    • You are administratively withdrawn, dismissed, or placed on leave.
    • 90 days have passed since the end of your most recent term of enrollment.
    • You graduated and 90 days have passed since the last day of your final term of Enrollment.

    Procuring Information Technology. Any purchase of information technology goods and services using GSBS funds must be approved by the GSBS IT Manager. Certain purchases may require additional approval from GSBS Deans and Institutional IT personnel.

    Confidential or Sensitive Data. Confidential or sensitive data will not be stored under any circumstances on personal laptops, mobile devices and storage devices. Doing so is a violation of Institutional policy and there are Federal and State penalties. All users are provided with institution approved cloud storage. Users are encouraged to use this space for all critical and valuable data sets.

    Personal Laptops. All personal laptops must have a working and updated anti-virus scanning software installed. 

    Personal laptops must have password protection at the operating system level and have full hard disk encryption active (BitLocker for Windows; Filevault2 for Mac OS X)

    Graduate Research Assistants and Faculty requiring the use of a laptop to fulfill their duties should request and secure approval and funding for a laptop from their department, lab or program if possible.

    MD Anderson Policies

    If you are working at MD Anderson, you must comply with MD Anderson's IT policies. Consult the MD Anderson Intranet at (accessible within MD Anderson's network.)

    UTHealth Policies

    The following sites have policies which govern information technology use at the institutional level.  Not all policies affect GSBS directly; however, most IT Security and Network Operations policies do apply to all GSBS computers and resources.

    UT System Policies
    State/Federal Governing Policies
  • Conflict of Interest

    As students at a UTHSC school, GSBS graduate students are responsible for knowing and following the official UT policies in The University of Texas Handbook of Operating Procedures that pertain to them. One such policy concerns potential Conflicts of Interest -- another is the Research Conflicts of Interest policy.

    In addition, any students who work at MD Anderson are also responsible for knowing and following the MD Anderson Conflict of Interest policies.

  • Plagiarism

    Notes on Plagiarism

    "plagiarize... 1. To steal and use (the ideas and writings of another) as one's own. 2. To appropriate passages or ideas from another and use them as one's own...,"from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 1971.

    Dr. R.W. Butcher, former Dean of the GSBS, writes the following regarding plagiarism:

    "As scientists, we must place very high value on scholastic honesty, for it is only by absolute trustworthiness that we, and science, can succeed. One important characteristic of trustworthiness in scholars at every level, including as students, is proper attribution. By that I mean giving credit for ideas and writings to the person or persons deserving it. For example, if you copy words directly from a journal article or other source onto some document for which you will receive credit (like a paper, or review, or an open book exam) without attribution, then you are guilty of plagiarism! On the other hand, if you acknowledge the source, you are behaving ethically and (assuming that the observation is relevant) will receive appropriate credit.

    Plagiarism is easy to commit. It takes neither talent nor ingenuity to copy another person's work and try to take credit for it. However, "getting away" with plagiarism may be much more complicated. This is because people who are likely to read your work are also very likely to have read what was plagiarized. When that happens, the best you can hope for is that your integrity will be diminished in the view of your reader. And the worst that can happen may be very bad indeed. For example, academic dishonesty can lead to expulsion from the GSBS, or after graduation, being fired from an academic or industrial position. It can also lead to sanctions by funding agencies, up to and including, in the U.S., time in prison if it can be proven that the scientific misconduct caused a waste of federal funds. In other words, if you commit plagiarism, you run a very great risk. More importantly, you will have broken faith with the rest of science.

    It is manifest that there have been, and in this age of easier publication, that there will continue to be, instances of unintentional failure to cite other authors who should have been acknowledged. It can be argued that this is sloppy science rather than plagiarism. That is, plagiarism implies a willful use of another's work for one's own gain.

    We have been told that perceptions of plagiarism differ in different cultures. That may be true when students from other cultures enter the GSBS, but it is each student's responsibility to learn our rules and ethics as taught by their mentors, by reading, understanding, and following the GSBS "Policies and Procedures" , and by taking the required course "The Ethical Dimensions of the Biomedical Sciences". Stated succinctly, all of our students must live by the rules of ethics of the GSBS and this society. Plagiarism violates those rules of ethics, and no excuses for committing willful plagiarism are acceptable."


    Example: Using the text written above by Dr. Butcher: If we quote Dr. Butcher, but neither cite him nor put his words in quotation marks, we may have committed plagiarism. For example, writing,

    The subject of plagiarism has been described by Dr. R.W. Butcher, former Dean of the GSBS, in the following manner, "For example, if you copy words directly from a journal article or other source onto some document for which you will receive credit (like a paper, or review, or an open book exam) without attribution, then you are guilty of plagiarism!" (R.W. Butcher, GSBS website)

    This is suitable attribution of his writings. However, if we had either left out the quotation marks, or the citation of where it came from, this could be construed as plagiarism.

    Students may be accused of plagiarism by copying a figure from a published paper into a candidacy exam proposal, or by using the exact words of an author in a test, paper, or candidacy exam, without citing where the figure came from or without placing the exact words in quotations and giving the reference where the quote came from. In either case, readers of such examples might incorrectly construe the words or figures as coming from the author of the test, paper, or candidacy exam.

    The best advice is to always cite where quotes come from and place the exact words in quotation marks, and always cite where figures come from, preferably in the figure legend.

    For additional information on this topic, please refer to the section describing our Student Code of Conduct.

  • Sexual Harassment and Institutional Title IX Policies

    The administrations of MD Anderson, UTHealth and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences will not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. 

    Examples of unacceptable behavior include but are not limited to:

    • Any sexual advance or touching that is unwelcome to the recipient
    • Sexually oriented comments about the body, appearance or lifestyle of a student
    • Offensive non-verbal behavior such as leering or staring which is unwelcome to the recipient
    • Showing or displaying sexually explicit graphics, cartoons, pictures, photographs or other objects that are exploitive or demeaning in nature
    • Statements or threats which imply a link between a student's sexual conduct and his/her academic status, advancement potential, salary treatment or other academic action.

    To report sexual misconduct, contact:

    MD Anderson Title IX Office, Sheri Wakefield, [email protected], 713-745-6174

    UTHealth Title IX Office[email protected], 713-500-CALL (2255)

    The GSBS requires that all GSBS students report any information they receive regarding incidents of sexual misconduct to one of the Title IX offices listed above.*   

    If you would like to speak confidentially with someone about a situation of concern, there are professionals on campus who can help you.

    • The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at UTHealth and MD Anderson
    • UTHealth Ombuds (does not include MD Anderson Ombuds)
    • UTHealth Student Counseling

    These employees are also required to report the incident to the Title IX offices, but they are considered confidential employees and they do not have to report names of individuals, only the type of incidence.  Please seek out these offices for help and guidance if you wish to keep information confidential or are unsure whether to do so. Their contact information is listed above.

    • Please note that reporting may also be required by law.

    Links to parent institutions' Title IX policy

    MD Anderson Cancer Center Title IX

    UTHealth Title IX

  • Student Conduct and Discipline

    Students are responsible for knowing and observing the University regulations concerning student conduct and discipline (including scholastic dishonesty) as set forth in the University of Texas Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 50101. Copies of the Regents' Rules and Regulations are available in the Dean's Office and the HAM-TMC Library.

    MD Anderson Cancer Center Title IX

    UTHealth Title IX


    Scientific research is the search for truths about our physical and natural world. This search can succeed only if it is carried out with the highest levels of integrity and honesty. Simply put, the search for truth must itself be truthful.

    These same principles apply to students preparing for careers in scientific research. Their studies and their research must be conducted with absolute honesty and integrity. This Code of Conduct describes the behaviors that characterize academic honesty and integrity and, conversely, those behaviors that violate the standards of both The University of Texas System and the Faculty of the MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School. Further information is provided on the consequences of unacceptable behavior and what responsibilities students have for encouraging appropriate behavior on the part of others.

    The University of Texas System Rules on Student Conduct
    The University of Texas System Board of Regents has promulgated, in its Rules and Regulations (Rule 50101), a set of guidelines concerning student conduct and discipline. These guidelines include the following:

    • "The component institutions shall adopt rules and regulations concerning student conduct and discipline....Each student is responsible for notice of and compliance with the provisions of the Regents' Rules and Regulations and the rules of the component institution."
    • "Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts."

    MD Anderson  UTHealth Graduate School
    In compliance with the Regents' Rules, MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School has set forth the following definitions and regulations concerning scholastic dishonesty:

    • Confirmed cases of cheating, plagiarism, or dishonesty in research are grounds for dismissal from the MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School.
    • Unless a professor specifically states it is acceptable, it is considered academic dishonesty to either receive or give help on class papers and assignments.
    • Plagiarism means: 1) knowingly submitting work as one's own when it contains direct or paraphrased quotes from another source; 2) knowingly using someone else's ideas and presenting them as one's own.
    • Dishonesty in research includes deliberately fabricating, falsifying or distorting data and/or research protocols.

    Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior
    Once an allegation has been made that a student has committed an act of scholastic dishonesty, the Rules of the Regents are followed. These Rules specify the manner in which the investigation is conducted, the rights of the student concerning due process, the appeals that the student may make, and the disciplinary actions that may be taken. Penalties may range from disciplinary probation to a failing grade in a course to expulsion from the school.

    Students' Responsibilities for the Conduct of Others
    In addition to ensuring that their own work is above reproach, researchers and scholars have a collective responsibility for the integrity of the scientific enterprise. One aspect of this responsibility entails an intolerance for academic dishonesty on the part of their colleagues. Students, as future research scientists have the same responsibility. Accordingly, MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School students should not hesitate to report what they believe are instances of scholastic dishonesty to the appropriate instructor or Dean. However, under this Code of Conduct, a MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School student has no formal or binding obligation to report such incidents.

    Acknowledgement and Pledge
    MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School students are expected to read this Code of Conduct and sign the pledge below before starting classes in the Graduate School and at the time of petitioning for advancement to candidacy: 

    • I acknowledge that I have read the Code of Conduct for MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School students and understand its objectives and principles.
    • I understand that I am responsible for knowing and obeying the rules and regulations of The University of Texas Board of Regents and the MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School.
    • I understand that if I am found guilty of an act of scholastic dishonesty, the penalties can be severe, including expulsion from the MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School.
    • Accordingly, I pledge that I will neither give nor receive unauthorized help on any examination, paper, or assignment that requires individual responsibility and that I will be scrupulously honest in the conduct of my research and the presentation of my research results.

Services and Information

  • Publication Acknowledgements

    Template for Affiliation Acknowledgement Phrases to be used with Scientific Publications


    Department, Center;
    Program, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences;
    The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030


    Department, Center;
    McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston*;
    Program, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences;
    The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas  77030

    (*or School of Public Health, School of Dentistry or School of Biomedical Informatics)

    GSBS Students:

    The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences;
    The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas  77030


    McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston*;
    The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences;
    The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas 77030

     (*or School of Public Health, School of Dentistry or School of Biomedical Informatics);

    Footnote template:

    This research was performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD or MS degree from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030


    This research was performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements  for the PhD or MS degree from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Texas  77030

  • Immunizations

    ALL entering students must have the following immunizations and screening tests prior to registration:

    1. Tuberculin skin test: this test must be performed annually, and subsequent tests will be done for students at no charge at UT Student Health Services, located in the UT Professional Building, 6410 Fannin, Suite 130. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To schedule an appointment, please call 713-500-5171.

    2. Measles: proof of two doses of measles vaccine administered on or after the first birthday and at least 30 days apart or proof of immunity

    3. Mumps: proof of one dose of mumps vaccine administered on or after the first birthday or proof of immunity

    4. Rubella: proof of one dose administered on or after the first birthday or proof of immunity

    5. Tetanus/diphtheria: proof of one "booster" dose of tetanus/diphtheria (within 10 years)

    6. Meningococcal (Meningitis): Required of all incoming and transfer students under the age of 22. Students must have been immunized within the past 5 years and submit proof of immunization at least 10 days prior to the first day of class.

    7. Varicella (Chickenpox) Series: Two-dose series (second dose one month after first dose) or a physician-validated history of the disease or lab report of positive varicella titer.

    A hold will be placed on your record until the immunization form is received.  A complete immunization form must be uploaded into myUTH. You will receive your myUTH account information via email from the Office of the Registrar once you have accepted our offer of Admission. Please see the FAQ for questions or contact Student Health Services for assistance regarding required immunizations. 

    Student Health Services will check the form to make sure it is complete and then will notify the Registrar's Office to remove the hold from your registration. If the form is not complete, Student Health Services will notify you regarding what is needed.

    Although you may obtain immunizations from Student Health Services, there will be a charge because you will not be considered a student (and therefore entitled to free services) until you have registered; and you cannot register until you can show proof of immunization.

    Registration will be much easier for you if, by the time you arrive at GSBS, you have documented to Student Health Services that you have had the required immunizations.

    Immunization Against Hepatitis B Virus

    Please note that immunization against the hepatitis B virus is not required prior to registration. However, anyone performing tasks that involve exposure or potential exposure to human blood, body fluids, or tissues should be immunized against the hepatitis B virus (HBV). UT-HS offers HBV vaccinations to students who meet the exposure criteria noted above. This series of three shots is offered by the Health Services. So, if for example, you end up doing a tutorial rotation in a laboratory in which human blood, body fluids, or tissues are used, you should be vaccinated against HBV as soon as possible

  • Libraries
  • Emergency Weather Information
  • Campus Safety: Crime Reporting, Crime Statistics
  • Information Technology
    We are responsible for all computing, classroom A/V, and distance learning capabilities at the MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School. For IT support at MD Anderson Cancer Center, please call 4INFO at 713-794-4636 or email [email protected]

    Password Problem?

    If you are having trouble accessing a network resource such as myUTH (Students), Webmail or Canvas: Call the Help Desk at 713-486-4848.
    Recover your password here.

    UTHealth Faculty or Designees that cannot access myUTH, please call UTHealth Help Desk at 713-486-4848.
    MD Anderson Faculty that cannot access myUTH, please email [email protected] 

    Canvas Support for Students and Faculty. Instructors who wish to upload course materials, please contact your Course Coordinators.

    Students from other institutions taking GSBS courses: a Network Account will be created for you when you register.

    For technical advice relating to hardware, software, classroom A/V and distance learning, please contact: [email protected]