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GS04 1051 Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy: Imaging Cells and Molecules

  • Credit Hours: 1
  • Grading System: Pass/Fail
  • Prerequisites: General knowledge of microbiology and biochemistry and consent of instructor (approval code needed for registration).


Fluorescence and electron microscopes permit the examination of cellular features at high magnification. This laboratory-based course is designed to provide the theory, fundamental operating principles, specimen preparation techniques of fluorescence microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and cryo-electron microscopy. At the end of the course, students with no prior experience will be able to prepare specimens, operate the instruments, and collect and interpret data. In addition, students will also learn how to write part of manuscripts. While this course is intended for students in the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Program, other GSBS students are encouraged to enroll as these advanced microscopic techniques are broadly used.

Course Outline Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy: Imaging Cells and Molecules