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Naveen Garg

Naveen Garg

Associate Member

Associate Professor

[email protected]
MDA FCT15.5017 (Unit 1477)

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Division of Diagnostic Imaging

My research interest is primarily in informatics and use of computers to enhance the practice of radiology and medicine.  During my radiology residency I developed keyboard and mouse macros using autohotkey to improve the radiology user interface on PACS.  I also developed a database and search interface to radiology, and pathology reports as well as the electronic medical record.  I also developed a database of PACS annotations and key images for use in machine learning for radiology image segmentation.  I have also developed convolutional neural networks for accurate segmentation of ct images.  My database tools have been helpful in collaborating with dozens of researchers leading to over 50 publications.  I am also on the ACR Informatics Advisory Council.  I have consulted for several radiology software startups as well as established PACS vendors. 

Selected Publications

  • Surabhi VR, Garg N, Frumovitz M, Bhosale P, Prasad SR, Meis JM. Aggressive angiomyxomas: a comprehensive imaging review with clinical and histopathologic correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenol 202(6):1171-8, 6/2014. PMID: 24848813.
  • Elshikh M, Schellingerhout D, Rayan J, Taher A, Elsayes A, Mujtaba B,Garg N. Disease characteristics, radiologic patterns, comorbid diseases, and ethnic differences in 32 patients with rosai-dorfman disease. J Comput Assist Tomography. e-Pub 1/2020.
  • Jain N, Keating M,Thompson P, Ferrajoli A, Burger J, Borthakur G,Takahashi K,Estrov Z,Fowler N,Kadia T,Konopleva M, Alvarado Y,Yilmaz M,DiNardo C, Bose P, Ohanian M, Pemmaraju N, Jabbour E, Sasaki K, Kanagal-Shamanna R, Patel K, Jorgensen J, Garg N, Xuemei Wang, Sondermann K, Cruz N, Wei C, Ayala A, Plunkett W, Kantarjian H, Gandhi V, Wierda, W. Ibrutinib and venetoclax for first-line treatment of CLL. N Engl J Med 380(22), 5/2019.

Complete List of Published Work in My Bibliography:

Education & Training

MD, UT Southwestern Medical School 2004