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V. Craig Jordan

V. Craig Jordan

Distinguished Senior Lecturer


[email protected]
MDA CPB5.3421 (Unit 1354)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Breast Medical Oncology

Dr. Jordan’s translational research over the past four decades established the standard of care for the endocrine treatment of breast cancer, chemoprevention of breast cancer and the first studies of the evolution of drug resistance to long-term anti-estrogen therapy.  Jordan’s “Tamoxifen Teams” are recognized for the discovery and clinical development of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) that have revolutionized women’s health.  Tamoxifen was the first SERM but all SERMs have their origins in scientific discovery in Jordan’s laboratory.  Jordan’s discovery of the new biology of estrogen-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells treated long-term with estrogen deprivation therapy, provided a new opportunity for translational research in cancer therapy.  Currently, the work is being broadened to understand sex steroid induced apoptosis in normal tissues (osteoclasts during osteoporosis and trophoblast during reproduction).  Jordan has established the only androgen deprived model of prostate cancer that undergoes androgen-induced apoptosis.  The laboratory is focused on deciphering the molecular biology of sex steroid induced apoptosis and the changes that occur in sensitive cells.  Discovery of the trigger that exposes the apoptotic mechanism is being correlated with the genetic changes that occur in breast and prostate cancer cells resistant to sex steroid induced apoptosis.  Through understanding these mechanisms, translational research that unlocks cancer-induced apoptosis will be an important clinical step forward to improve survival from breast and prostate cancer.  (Maximov PY, Abderrahman B, Curpan RF, Hawsawi YM, Fan P, Jordan VC, 2018, Endocrine Related Cancer, 25(2) R83-R113)


Education & Training

Ph.D. - University of Leeds, England - 1973
D.Sc.- University of Leeds, England - 1985