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Scott Lane

Scott Lane

Regular Member


[email protected]
BBS 1312

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
McGovern Medical School
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Current research efforts are focused on the psychopharmacology of maladaptive behaviors in humans (adults and adolescents). A primary focus is the determination of CNS-active agents that modify risky decision-making, impulsivity, and aggression. Current projects involve both drugs of abuse and therapeutic agents, laboratory-based behavioral testing, and functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Working as part of a research team with shared interests, my training approach is to allow the student exposure to an array of (complimentary) active projects in our laboratory. Such project may involve acute or chronic drug administration, laboratory behavioral testing of a range of behavioral constructs (risky decision making, impulsivity, aggression), functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI), and electroencephalogram (EEG) methodologies. Principally, my focus will be to provide a foundation in the fundamental principles of psychopharmacology, then let the student develop specific interests. These specific interests will be integrated with broader training, providing experience in: (a) experimental design and data analysis strategies in psychopharmacology; (b) measurement and analysis of steady-state and dynamic behavior patterns; (c) the interaction of these behavior patterns with a variety of drug classes; (d) integration with relevant neuropharmacological mechanisms of action; and (e) interaction with colleagues and other methodologies (e.g., FMRI and EEG protocols).


McGovern Medical School Faculty

Education & Training

Ph.D. - Auburn University - 1995
