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Banu Arun

Banu Arun

Associate Member


[email protected]
MDA CPB5.3548 (Unit 1354)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Departments of Breast Medical Oncology and Clinical Cancer Prevention

My research in the clinic and my laboratory is directed in identifying risk markers for breast cancer in breast tissue and serum/blood. A strong interest in our laboratory is evaluating the role of single nucleotide polymorphism in the Her-2/neu and insulin like growth factor (IGF) genes. Currently we are collecting blood from 1, 500 individuals for the analysis of these SNPs. 

Our translational studies include the evaluation of potential breast cancer prevention agents. Specifically, we are interested in cyclooxygenase inhibitors and have recently completed accrual to a prospective celecoxib prevention trial. In our laboratories we are currently evaluating the modulation of proliferation and apoptosis markers in breast tissue of high risk women who were treated with celecoxib.

Another focus of our laboratory and clinical research is characterizing breast cancers in individuals with our without the BRCA mutation. We have created a clinical and research database of about 600 individuals. Depending on the GSBS student's interests, this database will serve a major source for evaluation of risk factors, pathologic characteristics of the breast cancers, response to therapy and survival. Furthermore, depending on the student's interest, serum and blood samples can also be analyzed for biomarkers, such proteomics or genetic modifiers.


MDACC Faculty

Education & Training

M.D. - University of Istanbul - 1990