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Carrie Daniel-MacDougall

Carrie Daniel-MacDougall

Regular Member

Associate Professor

MDA CPB4.3241 (Unit 1340)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Epidemiology

The primary goal of my research program is to refine and inform evidence-based dietary recommendations for cancer prevention, cancer patients, and cancer survivors. As a nutritional epidemiologist, much of my previous work focused on identifying diet-related risk or protective factors in large, prospective cohorts of healthy individuals followed for the development of cancer. At MD Anderson, I am shifting toward more patient-centered projects, targeting diet, obesity, and the microbiome. Prior experience in wet-lab and clinical research has significantly enriched my career as an epidemiologist and translational scientist. Continually learning from my clinical and bench science colleagues, I strive to address questions from every angle, considering the biological mechanisms, as well as the potential clinical and public health implications.

Research Interests

  • The role of diet, energy balance, inflammation, and chronic conditions in cancer risk, treatment, and survival
  • Dietary assessment methodology
  • Biomarker-driven clinical/intervention trials
  • The oral and gut microbiome
  • International and minority populations where new and unique modifiable risk (or protective) factors may be identified


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Education & Training

PhD, Emory University, 2008