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Exploring Careers in Grant Development and Project Management

When & Where

April 18
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Zoom (View in Google Map)


Event Description

You're invited to an insightful panel discussion organized by the Career Development Office and the MD Anderson Postdoc Office. Listen to three experts who have made successful transitions into grant development and project management as they share their unique career paths and valuable insights.

Event is open to all GSBS students and alumni. 

Event Site Link

{ "name":"Exploring Careers in Grant Development and Project Management", "description":"

You're invited to an insightful panel discussion organized by the Career Development Office and the MD Anderson Postdoc Office. Listen to three experts who have made successful transitions into grant development and project management as they share their unique career paths and valuable insights.

Event is open to all GSBS students and alumni.", "startDate":"2025-4-18", "endDate":"2025-4-18", "startTime":"12:00", "endTime":"13:00", "location":"Zoom", "label":"Add to Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Microsoft365", "MicrosoftTeams", "Yahoo" ], "timeZone":"America/Chicago", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"Reminder-Event" }