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Standing Committees

  • Academic Standards Committee

    The Academic Standards Committee consists of one member from each Program.  This Committee makes recommendations to the Deans on the following matters:

    • Appointment of faculty to all student Advisory and Examining Committees
    • Student plans in order to ensure that faculty policies concerning academic standards are met
    • All scholastic disciplinary matters; the Committee acts as a panel to determine whether grounds exist for dismissal of a student

    Meeting dates for 2023-2024

    October 11, 2023
    November 8, 2023
    December 13, 2023
    January 10, 2024
    February 14, 2024
    March 13, 2024
    April 10, 2024
    May 8, 2024
    June 12, 2024
    July 10, 2024
    August 14, 2024
    September 11, 2024

    The Committee will meet virtually until we are able to hold meetings in person. The meetings start at 9:00 a.m. on the second Wednesday of every month.

    Members for the 2023-2024 academic year

    Program Member Alternate
    Medical Physics Jinzhong Yang, PhD Dershan Luo, PhD
    Cancer Biology Dung-Fang Lee, PhD Chunru Lin, PhD
    Genetic Counseling Meagan Choates, MS, CGC Kathryn Leal, MS, CGC
    Genetics and Epigenetics Xiangli Yang, PhD Shawn Bratton, PhD
    Immunology Shervin Assassi, PhD Roza Nurieva, PhD
    Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Nick DeLay, PhD Blake Hanson, PhD
    Molecular and Translational Biology Guangwei Du, PhD, Chair Melvin Klegerman, PhD
    Neuroscience Sheng Zhang, PhD Michael Beierlein, PhD
    Therapeutics and Pharmacology Michelle Hildebrandt, PhD Federica Pisaneschi, PhD
    Quantitative Sciences Linghua Wang, PhD Liang Li, PhD

    GSBS Administration

    Jeffrey Frost, PhD
    Natalie Sirisaengtaksin, PhD
    Wassim Chehab, PhD
    Bunny Perez

    For questions about Academic Standards Committee matters, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs.

  • Admissions Committee

    The Admissions Committee consists of a combination of faculty members recommended by the Dean's Office and Programs. This Committee is responsible for:

    • Soliciting recommendations from appropriate Programs concerning student admission
    • Evaluating applications for admission
    • Submitting recommendations concerning admissions to the Deans
    • Assuring that only persons who have demonstrated a potential for scientific excellence and meet the academic credentials defined in the GSBS Catalog can be recommended for admission

    Meeting dates for 2023-2024

    The Committee meets as needed.

    Members for the 2023-2024 academic year

    Member Role
    Jun-ichi Abe, PhD Chair - At-Large Member
    Wei Cao, PhD At-Large Member
    Kendra Carmon, PhD At-Large Member
    Richard Davis, PhD Immunology Program Representative
    Suhendan Ekmekcioglu, PhD At-Large Member
    George Eisenhoffer, PhD At-Large Member
    Stan Gu, PhD At-Large Member
    Goo Jun, PhD At-Large Member
    Heidi Kaplan, PhD Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Program Representative
    Michael Lorenz, PhD At-Large Member
    Guang Peng, PhD Cancer Biology Program Representative
    Kyle Poulsen, PhD Therapeutics and Pharmacology Program Representative
    Kai Sun, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology Program Representative
    Akihiko Urayama, PhD Neuroscience Program Representative
    Jun Wang, PhD Genetics and Epigenetics Program Representative

    GSBS Administration

    Cherilynn Shadding, PhD
    Lenay Johnson

    For questions about Admissions Committee matters, please email Lenay Johnson.

  • Curriculum Committee

    The Curriculum Committee consists of nine faculty members and three students. This committee is responsible for:

    • Review and approval of all course offerings of the Graduate Faculty
    • Evaluation of current GSBS courses
    • Approval of major changes to GSBS courses
    • Elimination of GSBS courses
    • Identification of courses that meet specific GSBS requirements
    • Recommendations on changes in curriculum as well as related practices

    Meeting Dates for 2023-2024

    October 18, 2023
    November 15, 2023
    December 20, 2023
    January 17, 2024
    February 21, 2024
    March 27, 2024 *
    April 17, 2024
    May 15, 2024
    June 19, 2024
    July 17, 2024
    August 21, 2024
    September 18, 2024

    *One week later than usual to accommodate Spring Break.

    The Committee will meet via WebEx until we are able to hold meetings in person. The meetings start at 2:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month.

    Members for the 2023-2024 academic year

    Member Role
    Pamela Wenzel, PhD Chair          
    Richard Bouchard, PhD Member
    Leslie Dunnington, PhD Member
    Ziyi Li, PhD Member
    Christian Perez, PhD Member
    Rama Soundararajan, PhD Member
    Jian Wang, PhD Member
    Wantong Yao, PhD Member
    Michael Zhu, PhD Member
    Tuba Aksoy Student Representative 
    Johana Gutierrez Student Representative 
    Peyton High Student Representative 
    Ruth Heidelberger, MD, PhD Alternate

    GSBS Administration

    Jeffrey Frost, PhD
    Wassim Chehab, PhD
    Natalie Sirisaengtaksin, PhD
    Joy Lademora, MGM

    For questions concerning Curriculum Committee matters, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs.

  • Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee consists of the Dean, the Faculty President and Vice-President, the Chairpersons of standing committees, the Graduate Student Association President, and three at-large representatives from among the GSBS Faculty who will be appointed to staggered terms of three-years each by the GSBS Membership Committee.  In addition, the Faculty President and chairs of the Academic Standards, Admissions, Curriculum and Membership Committees serve as ex officio voting members of the Committee in the year following their appointments. The Faculty Vice-President is the chair of the Executive Committee. Responsibilities of the Executive Committee include:

    • Coordinating activities of standing committees
    • Reviewing academic policy
    • Periodic evaluation of Programs
    • Initiating emergency legislation
    • Nominating candidates for Faculty Vice-President
    • Assuming an advocacy role in matters related to academic freedom, appointments, and tenure involving members of the Graduate Faculty (upon request)

    Meeting dates for 2023-2024

    October 19, 2023
    January 25, 2024
    March 28, 2024*
    June 27, 2024
    August 22, 2024

    *One week later than usual to accommodate Spring Break.

    The Committee meets at least five times per year virtually until we are able to hold meetings in person. The meetings start at 2:00 p.m.

    Members for the 2023-2024 academic year

    Member Role
    Shane Cunha, PhD Chair and VP and President Elect of GSBS Faculty
    Jian Hu, PhD Faculty President
    Jun-Ichi Abe, PhD Chair of Admissions Committee
    Richard Bouchard, PhD Past Chair of Curriculum Committee
    Michael Curran, PhD At-Large Representative
    Alejandro Aballay, PhD Dean
    Guangwei Du Chair of Academic Standards Committee
    Danielle Garsin, PhD At Large Member
    Anna Konovalova, PhD Past Chair of Admissions Committee
    Harry Karmouty-Quintana, PhD Chair of Program Directors Committee
    Wenbo Li, PhD Chair of Student Scholarship Committee
    Keila Torres, PhD Past Chair Student Scholarship Committee
    Pierre McCrea, PhD At-Large Member
    Takese McKenzie President of Graduate Student Association
    Rodrigo Morales, PhD Past Chair of Membership Committee
    Deepa Sampath, PhD Chair of Membership Committee
    Claire Singletary, MS, CGC Past Faculty President
    Jason Stafford, PhD Past Chair of Academic Standards Committee
    Pamela Wenzel, PhD Chair of Curriculum Committee


    Diane Bodurka, MD
    Jeffrey Frost, PhD
    Lenay Johnson
    Raghu Kalluri, MD, PhD
    Elisabet Lau
    Raquel Salinas, PhD
    Cherilynn Shadding, PhD
    Natalie Sirisaengtaksin, PhD
    Chehab Wassim, PhD
    Karen Weinberg

  • Membership Committee

    The Membership Committee consists of nine faculty members and makes recommendations to the Deans on the following matters:

    • Appointment of new faculty members
    • Faculty reappointments at least once every five years
    • Membership of standing committees of the Graduate Faculty

    Meeting dates for 2023-2024

    October 12, 2023
    December 14, 2023
    February 8, 2024
    March 14, 2024*
    April 11, 2024
    June 13, 2024
    August 8, 2024

    * This is an additional meeting, if needed.

    The Committee will meet virtually until we are able to hold meetings via Zoom. The meetings start at 2:00 p.m. on the 2 Thursday of even months.

    Members for the 2023-2024 academic year

    Member Role                                          
    Deepa Sampath, PhD Chair
    Blaine Bartholomew, PhD Member
    Yuri Dabaghian, PhD Member
    Bo Hu, PhD Member
    Chiangqing (Cynthia) Ju, PhD Member
    Rodrigo Morales, PhD Member
    Aarti Ramdaney, MS, CGC Member
    Mohammad Salehpour, PhD Member
    Haoqiang Ying, PhD Member
    Zahid Siddik, PhD  Alternate

    GSBS Administration

    Jeffrey Frost, PhD
    Jennifer Price, MBA, MHRM
    Natalie Sirisaengtaksin, PhD
    Wassim Chehab, PhD

    For questions about Membership Committee matters, please email GSBS Faculty Affairs

  • Program Directors Committee

    The Program Directors Committee consists of Program Directors and two student representatives.  The director of the MD/PhD Program is an ex officio member. The Committee makes recommendations to the Deans and the Executive Committee concerning the effectiveness and initiation of GSBS policies, including:

    • policies that affect the function of the Graduate School
    • policies that affect the structure and governance of Graduate Programs
    • approval of new graduate programs

    Meeting dates for 2023-2024

    • September 12, 2023
    • November 14, 2023
    • February 13, 2024
    • April 9, 2024
    • July 9, 2024

    Members for the 2023-2024 academic year

    Member Role/Program
    Jian Hu, PhD Cancer Biology
    Claire Singletary, MS, CGC Genetic Counseling
    Rachel Miller, PhD Genetics and Epigenetics
    Seyed Javad Moghaddam, MD Immunology
    Rebecca Howell, PhD Medical Physics
    William Margolin, PhD Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    Kristin Eckel-Mahan, PhD Chair, Molecular and Translational Biology
    Kartik Venkatachalam, PhD Neuroscience
    Traver Hart, PhD Quantitative Sciences
    Ali Azhdarinia, PhD Therapeutics and Pharmacology
    Dianna Milewicz, MD, PhD MD/PhD Program (ex officio)
    Chrystine Gallegos Student Member
    Hao-Nien Chen Student Member

    GSBS Deans/Administration

    Alejandro Aballay, PhD
    Jeffrey Frost, PhD
    Cherilynn Shadding, PhD
    Karen Weinberg
    Amanda Williamson
    Amy Carter

  • Student Scholarship Committee

    The Student Scholarship Committee consists of a faculty representative from each GSBS Program. The Committee is responsible for:

    • Providing appropriate reviewers for student scholarships and fellowships that draw on representation from all GSBS Programs
    • Providing input on the processes used to identify winners of student scholarships and fellowships
    • Providing recommendations to the GSBS Deans on policies related to the establishment of new awards for students

    Meeting dates for 2023-2024

    The Committee meets as needed.

    Members for the 2023-2024 academic year

    Member Role
    Wenbo Li, PhD Chair - At-Large Member
    Hussein Abbas, PhD At-Large Member
    Chandra Bartholomeusz, MD At-Large Member
    Pratip Bhattacharya, PhD

    At-Large Member

    Han Chen, PhD Quantitative Science Program Representative
    Gabriel Fries, PhD At-Large Member
    Michael Galko, PhD Genetics and Epigenetics Program Representative
    Jacqueline Harkenrider Genetic Counseling Program
    Joo Eun Jung, PhD Neuroscience Program Representative
    Humam Kadara, PhD Immunology Program Representative
    Hyun-Eui Kim, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology Program Representative
    Ziyin Li, PhD Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Program Representative
    Vihang Narkar, PhD Therapeutics and Pharmacology Program Representative
    Danielle Wu, PhD At-Large Member
    Jyotika Sharma, PhD At-Large Member
    Shabnam Shalahpour At-Large Member
    Xiaochun Wang, PhD Medical Physics Program Representative
    Di Zhao, PhD At-Large Member

    GSBS Administration

    Jeffrey Frost, PhD
    Wassim Chehab, PhD
    Joy Lademora
    Susan Simon

    For questions about Student Scholarship Committee matters, please email Chehab Wassim


For Faculty-related information, please contact GSBS Faculty Affairs