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Financial Department for students at GSBS

Stipend Supplementation of Training and Fellowship Awards

Some training and fellowship grants awarded to a student pay a salary that is less than the standard GSBS GRA stipend level. In such situations, and as long as funds are available, GSBS is able to supplement the stipend difference necessary to ensure the student’s salary is maintained at the standard GSBS GRA stipend level.

To request stipend supplementation assistance from GSBS, the faculty advisor or department administrator should provide the following to GSBS Finance for review and approval:

  • Written request (email [email protected]), and
  • Copy of the Notice of Award (NOA), Statement of Appointment (SOA), or Award letter and/or budget information indicating the stipend salary awarded and appointment dates.

Please note:

  • GSBS does not supplement tuition & required fees (T&F) or benefit costs not awarded by the granting agency.
  • Students who are awarded an outside fellowship grant under their name, can qualify for the Combined Award Policy. Click here for additional details and eligibility criteria.
  • Other federal funds/grants cannot be used to supplement a training or fellowship grant assistantship. However, non-federal and unrestricted departmental and institutional funds can be used to supplement training or fellowship grant assistantships.