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GSBS Student Research Day
Thursday, June 13
Cooley Center
7440 Cambridge Street
Houston, Texas 77054


2024 GSRD Photo Gallery

Congratulations to our 2024 winners!

Oral Presentation Skills
Pre-Candidacy PhD, MS & SMS, 1st Year

1st place: Mariana Najjar (Advisor: Hui-Wen Lo, PhD)

2nd place: Xing-Han Zhang (Advisor: Georgios Karras, PhD)

1st Year Award: Mariana Najjar (Advisor: Hui-Wen Lo, PhD)

Oral Presentation Skills
Post-Candidacy PhD

1st: Takese McKenzie (Advisor: Jian Hu, PhD)

2nd: Emily Caggiano (Advisor: Emil Schueler, PhD)

Top 4 - Poster Competition
Pre-Candidacy PhD, MS & SMS, 1st Year

Vicky Chuong (Advisor: Fabricio Do Monte, DVM, PhD)

Peyton High (Advisor: Kendra Carmon, PhD)

Ya Xiang [Sophia] Huang (Advisor: Vihang Narkar, PhD)

Julia Zickus (Advisor: Pratip Bhattacharya, PhD)

1st Year Award: Ya Xiang [Sophia] Huang (Advisor: Vihang Narkar, PhD)

Top 4 - Poster Competition
Post-Candidacy PhD

Bridgitte Palacios (Advisor: Jian Hu, PhD)

Guillaume Trusz (Advisor: Michael Curran, PhD)

Llaran Turner (Advisor: George Eisenhoffer, PhD)

Amanda Warner (Advisor: Don Gibbons, MD, PhD)

Elevator Pitch Contest
Pre-Candidacy PhD, MS & SMS, 1st Year

1st: Madison Shyer (Advisor: Valentin Dragoi, PhD)

2nd: Zaphanlene Kaffey (Advisor: C. David Fuller, MD, PhD)

People's Choice Award: Spring Hwang (Advisor: Jian Hu, PhD)

Elevator Pitch Contest
Post-Candidacy PhD

1st:  Richa Nayak (Advisor: Yejing Ge, PhD)

2nd: Yuejiang Liu (Advisor: Humam Kadana, PhD)

People's Choice Award: Barbara Marquez (Laurence Court, PhD)

Sincere thanks to all who competed and to all who attended (in-person or virtually)!
We also send gratitude to our judges, emcees and amazing keynote speaker!

Special GSRD Shuttle will be available
from BSRB circle drive to Cooley Center for attendees
between 8:30 am - 6:30 pm

Parking in RPC Lot, 1940 East Road, will be validated

Register to attend by June 3

Keynote Speaker
Cristina de Guzman Strong, PhD

Associate Scientist
Department of Dermatology
Center for Cutaneous Biology and Immunology
Henry Ford Cancer Institute
Henry Ford Health
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University

Using Multi-omics to Understand Human Skin Evolution Out-of-Africa
and Skin Health Disparities


9:00 - 9:30 am


9:30 am


9:40 – 10:40 am

Oral Presentation Skills Finalists’ Competitions

Pre-Candidacy & MS

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Oral Presentation Skills Finalists’ Competitions


12:15 pm – 1:15 pm

1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Poster Sessions
and Lunch (first 250 attendees)

Session A

Session B

2:30 - 3:15 pm

Elevator Pitch Finalists’ Contests

3:30 - 4:45 pm

Keynote Seminar with Q&A

Using Multi-omics to Understand Human Skin Evolution Out-of-Africa and Skin Health Disparities

4:45 pm


5:00  - 6:30 pm



  • Oral Presentation Skills Competitions - click to see finalists

    Pre-Candidacy PhD, MS & SMS Finalists - 9:40 am
    listed in alphabetical order - will present in random order

    Student Name




    Maria Benavente MS Rodrigo Morales, PhD Neuroscience
    Srinath Lakshmivenkatesh Pre-candidacy PhD Sachet Shukla, PhD Cancer Biology
    Androniki Mitrou 1st year PhD Kristy Brock, PhD Medical Physics
    Mariana Najjar 1st year PhD Hui-Wen Lo, PhD Cancer Biology
    Xing-Han Zhang Pre-candidacy PhD Georgios Karras, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics

    Post-Candidacy Finalists - 11:00 am
    listed in alphabetical order - will present in random order

    Student Name




    Mary Adeyeye Post-Candidacy PhD Xiangli Yang, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Emily Caggiano Post-Candidacy PhD Emil Schueler, PhD Cancer Biology
    Maria Jose Gacha Garay Post-Candidacy PhD Tingting Mills, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Takese McKenzie Post-Candidacy PhD Jian Hu, PhD Neuroscience
    Sarah Shin Post-Candidacy PhD Harry Karmouty-Quintana, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology

    Oral Presentation Skills Competitions - Guidelines

    Oral presentations sessions are designed to give presenters an opportunity to formally present their research to the GSBS and larger TMC audience. The purpose of the presentation is to clearly convey your research to an educated scientific audience. Presentations should include sufficient information for audience members to understand the methods, results, and significance of the research.


    All GSBS degree students who have affiliated with a primary research advisor, and are in good academic standing, may apply.


    • Oral presentations will be presented in-person during GSRD at Cooley Center. Students must apply to present an oral presentation. Ten contestants will be selected as finalists to compete. The deadline to apply for consideration for the competition is Thursday, May 2 by 11:59 pm.
    • Each oral presentation will be allotted 10 minutes consisting of a 7-minute presentation and a 3-minute question & answer period before a panel of judges and the public audience.
    • Finalists should plan to be present for the entirety of their assigned oral session. The order of presentations within each session will be assigned randomly and delivered in the order indicated in the GSRD program.
    • Students will compete in two categories: (1) Pre-candidacy PhD students, MS students and SMS; and (2) Post-candidacy PhD students. Students should apply to the category that best matches their current status at the time of application.
    • Finalists competing in the Oral Presentation Skills competition may also apply to present a poster. Space permitting, they may present their poster, but they may not compete and their poster number will be labeled “NC” [non-competing].

    Application link: 2024GSRD_OPSContests

    Application Materials:

    • Research abstract: This summary should be written in language understandable by a broad general science audience and should be a concise and engaging description of the student’s research project that includes the title, background/objective, brief methods, results/progress, conclusions and future work. The abstract body should be at least 150 words, but no more than 300 words. Abstracts not meeting these criteria will be disqualified.
    • Curriculum vitae: Include past speaking and/or poster presentation experiences.
    • Approval form from advisor addressing the student's presentation skills: 2024GSRD_OPSFacApprovalForm 

    Selection and award criteria:

    • Preliminary judges will select the finalists and students will be notified on May 23. In the preliminary phase, the project abstract and other application materials will be evaluated for scientific merit, and appeal to a general science audience. Evidence of prior presentations will be taken into consideration, but is not a requirement.
    • Finalists will present their oral presentations to faculty and/or PhD-level research scientist judges. Presentations will be evaluated on speaking skills/delivery, scientific content, and overall quality of the presentation. Winners will be announced at the GSRD Awards Ceremony.
    • Rubric for OPS contests


    • Category 1: Pre-Candidacy PhD, MS & SMS

      • 1st prize: $1,000
      • 2nd prize:   $500
      • Best 1st-year: $300 

    • Category 2: Post-Candidacy PhD

      • 1st prize: $1,000
      • 2nd prize:   $500

    Please note: cash prizes may be subject to tax

  • Poster Sessions - click to see finalists

    Poster Finalists - Session A - 12:15 pm
    listed in alphabetical order

    Last Name

    First Name




    Chen Xinru Post-Candidacy PhD Jinzhong Yang, PhD Medical Physics
    Cho Kate Pre-candidacy PhD Kadir Akdemir, PhD Cancer Biology
    Gillard Andrew  Post-Candidacy PhD Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, MD Cancer Biology
    Grayson Madison Pre-candidacy PhD Radhe Mohan, PhD Medical Physics
    Guernsey Cara 1st year PhD Kendra Carmon, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology
    High Peyton Pre-candidacy PhD Kendra Carmon, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology
    Khan Zarmeen MS or SMS Scott Evans, MD Molecular and Translational Biology
    Lanier Amanda Post-Candidacy PhD Powel Brown, MD, PhD Cancer Biology
    Lu Kaylene Post-Candidacy PhD Jian Hu, PhD Cancer Biology
    Luqman Muhammad Waqas 1st year PhD Fabien Delerue, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Meyers Taylor Pre-candidacy PhD Rebecca Howell, PhD Medical Physics
    Rodriguez Mya Pre-candidacy PhD Andrea Stavoe, PhD Neuroscience
    Snoddy Erin Pre-candidacy PhD Kristy Brock, PhD Medical Physics
    Subramanian  Shraddha  Post-Candidacy PhD Kendra Carmon, PhD Cancer Biology
    Torres Carrizalez Maria MS or SMS Vahid Afshar-Kharghan, MD Immunology
    Turner Llaran Post-Candidacy PhD George Eisenhoffer, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Warner Amanda Post-Candidacy PhD Don Gibbons, MD, PhD Cancer Biology
    Xu Ping Post-Candidacy PhD Nicholas Navin, PhD Cancer Biology
    Zickus Julia 1st year PhD Pratip Bhattacharya, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology

    Poster Finalists - Session B - 1:15 pm
    listed in alphabetical order

    Last Name

    First Name




    Bontekoe Emily Pre-candidacy PhD Alexandre Reuben, PhD & John Heymach, MD, PhD Immunology
    Brahmendra Barathi Bhargavi Post-Candidacy PhD Jason Huse, MD, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Chuong Vicky Pre-candidacy PhD Fabricio Do Monte, DVM, PhD Neuroscience
    Colunga Minutti Jocelynn MS or SMS Roza Nurieva, PhD Immunology
    Farmer Stephen Post-Candidacy PhD Sheng Zhang, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology
    Gong Pengju Post-Candidacy PhD Chunru Lin, MD, PhD Cancer Biology
    Hanjra Pahul Pre-candidacy PhD Anil Sood, MD Cancer Biology
    Huang Ya Xiang (Sophia) 1st year PhD Vihang Narkar, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology
    Lindenberger Josh Post-Candidacy PhD Guillermina Lozano, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Liu Muchen MS or SMS Radbod Darabi, MD, PhD
    Lopez-Rivas Andres Pre-candidacy PhD Candelaria Gomez-Manzano, MD Immunology
    Palacios Bridgitte Post-Candidacy PhD Jian Hu, PhD Neuroscience
    Quinn Julianna  Pre-candidacy PhD Jun Wang, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Shyu Yueh-Ming Pre-candidacy PhD Dihua Yu, MD, PhD Immunology
    Slapik Mitchell Post-Candidacy PhD Michael Beierlein, PhD Neuroscience
    Trusz Guillaume Post-Candidacy PhD Michael Curran, PhD Immunology
    Urbanczyk Phillip 1st year PhD Consuelo Walss-Bass, PhD Neuroscience
    William Ivana Post-Candidacy PhD Michael Curran, PhD Immunology

    Poster Session - Guidelines

    Poster sessions are designed to give presenters an opportunity to discuss their research with colleagues and other researchers. The purpose of the poster is to visually stimulate interest in the research, to present sufficient information for viewers to understand the methods, results, and significance of the research, and to promote conversations and networking among GSRD attendees.


    • All GSBS students who have participated in a research project at the GSBS, and are in good academic standing, are eligible to participate.


    • Posters will be presented in-person during GSRD at Cooley Center. Students must apply to present a poster. Space is limited to 40 contestants, so students are encouraged to apply early. Deadline to apply for consideration for the competition is Thursday, May 2, by 11:59 pm.
    • Students are responsible for printing their posters [size: no larger than 3.3' H x 3.5' W].
    • Poster template and GSBS logo downloads are here.
    • Posters will be on display during the entirety of GSRD. The day before the GSRD (Wednesday, June 12) Poster Session, finalists must set up their posters in the afternoon at Cooley Center. If a finalist cannot go in person, they may ask another student or the Student Affairs staff to set up their poster for them. Each poster board will be numbered. Presenters should attach their posters to the board number corresponding to the number assigned to their poster in the GSRD Program, which will be emailed prior to set up. Presenters should remove their posters at the end of GSRD between the hours of 4:30-6:00 pm. [Presenters are encouraged to display their posters during the reception.]
    • On the day of GSRD, students will present their posters during their assigned session. Students should plan to stand with their posters until their assigned session is completed and they have presented to their faculty and/or PhD-level research scientist judges.
    • Students will compete in two categories: (1) Pre-candidacy PhD students, MS students and SMS; and (2) Post-candidacy PhD students. Students should apply to the category that best matches their current status at the time of application.
    • Students who are chosen as finalists in the GSRD Oral Presentation Skills competition may not compete in the poster session. They may, if space permits, still present a poster and their poster number will be labeled “NC” [non-competing].

    Application link: 2024GSRD_PosterContests

    Application materials:

    • Research abstract: This summary should be written in language understandable by a broad general science audience and should be a concise and engaging description of the student’s research project that includes the title, background/objective, brief methods, results/progress, conclusions and future work. The abstract body should be at least 150 words, but no more than 300 words. Abstracts not meeting these criteria will be disqualified.

     Selection and award criteria:

    • Preliminary judges will select the finalists based on the quality of abstract, and students will be notified on May 20.
    • Finalists will present their posters to faculty and/or PhD-level research scientist judges. Posters will be evaluated on the presence, quality and details of the key sections of a poster (see abstract), as well as level of content knowledge and engagement. Winners will be announced at the GSRD Awards Ceremony.
    • Rubric for poster contests


    • Category 1: Pre-Candidacy PhD, MS & SMS

      • $500 Best Poster - a total of four (4) winners will be selected to receive a Best Poster award
      • $300 Best 1st-Year

    • Category 2: Post-Candidacy PhD

      • $500 Best Poster - a total of four (4) winners will be selected to receive a Best Poster award

    Please note: cash prizes may be subject to tax

  • Elevator Pitch Contests - click to see finalists

    Elevator Pitch Finalists - 2:30 pm
    listed in alphabetical order - will present in random order

    Last Name

    First Name






    1st year PhD Daniel Frigo, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology
    Bateman Tyler 1st year PhD Ali Azhdarinia, PhD Therapeutics & Pharmacology
    Chen Minyue Pre-candidacy PhD Humam Kadara, PhD Immunology
    Diaz-Rohena Daisy Post-Candidacy PhD Deepa Sampath, PhD Cancer Biology
    Garcia Derek MS Kristy Brock, PhD Medical Physics
    Gearhardt Angela  1st year PhD Medical Physics
    Girard Rene Post-Candidacy PhD Harry Karmouty-Quintana, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology
    Hwang Spring Pre-candidacy PhD Jian Hu, PhD Cancer Biology
    Kaffey Zaphanlene Pre-candidacy PhD C. David Fuller, MD, PhD Medical Physics
    Lim Rebecca Pre-candidacy PhD Kristy Brock, PhD Medical Physics
    Liu Yuejiang Post-Candidacy PhD Humam Kadara, PhD Cancer Biology
    Machado Annette Pre-candidacy PhD Jason Huse MD, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Marquez Barbara Post-Candidacy PhD Laurence Court, PhD Medical Physics
    Mehrens Hunter Post-Candidacy PhD Stephen Kry, PhD Medical Physics
    Muruvekere Lakshmisha Bhoomika MS Aria Vaishnavi, PhD Therapeutics & Pharmacology
    Nayak Richa Post-Candidacy PhD Yejing Ge, PhD Genetics & Epigenetics
    Schueng Zancanela Beatriz 1st year PhD Raghu Kalluri, MD, PhD Molecular and Translational Biology
    Scott Hayden 1st year PhD Stephen Kry, PhD Medical Physics
    Scott Kiersten Pre-candidacy PhD Akihiko Urayama, PhD Neuroscience
    Shen Cheng-En 1st year PhD Yuan Pan, PhD Cancer Biology
    Shulman Alyssa Pre-candidacy PhD Dihua Yu, MD, PhD Cancer Biology
    Shyer Madison Pre-candidacy PhD Valentin Dragoi, PhD Neuroscience
    Sloan Ryan Pre-candidacy PhD Jayhun Lee, PhD Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
    Umamaheswaran Sujanitha Post-Candidacy PhD Anil Sood, MD Cancer Biology
    Valdes Bustamante Catalina MS Rodrigo Morales, PhD Neuroscience
    Wu Haoyi Post-Candidacy PhD Don Gibbons, MD, PhD Immunology
    Xuan Yue 1st year PhD Kenneth Hu, PhD Cancer Biology
    Yang Michael MS Mallory Glenn, PhD Medical Physics

    Elevator Pitch Contests - Guidelines

    The scientific Elevator Pitch is a 90-second summary of the student’s research project intended for an educated, lay audience. The scientific elevator pitch is an excellent career tool for students, helping them to establish credibility, form relationships with other scientists, and gain support for their ideas. It also helps students clarify and articulate their thoughts, build professional confidence, and communicate across disciplines.

    Students are encouraged to attend special workshops to prepare for this competition:

    Wednesday, May 1, 3:00 pm (Workshop 1)
    Wednesday, May 8, 3:00 pm (Workshop 2)

    Sign up to attend: 2024ElevPitchWorkshops (deadline to register for workshops is Wednesday, April 24)


    All GSBS degree students, who are in good academic standing, are eligible to compete.


    • Elevator pitches will be presented in-person at GSRD at Cooley Center. Students must apply to present an elevator pitch. Twenty contestants will be selected as finalists to compete. The deadline to apply for consideration for the competition is Thursday, May 9, by 11:59 pm.
    • Each elevator pitch will be allotted 90 seconds. The time will begin once a contestant starts speaking. Speakers may use note cards as long as they do not read straight through, and/or may use small props/objects. Speakers are not allowed to use PowerPoint slides. There will be no time allotted for questions during the session.
    • Elevator pitches should be accessible to a non-specialist audience with a basic college education, succinct, and last no more than 90 seconds; they should be well organized and easy to follow, delivered in an engaging manner, and have impact. The speeches should contain key elements commonly found in scientific presentations, including an introduction/background, description of the gap in knowledge or research question being addressed, a brief description of method(s), results if they have been obtained, a statement of significance, and possible next steps if applicable. In addition, the delivery of the pitch should be enthusiastic, confident, conversational rather than overly formal, and use accessible language that minimizes jargon.
    • Finalists should plan to be present for the entirety of the elevator pitch competition session. The order of presentations will be assigned randomly and delivered in the order indicated in the GSRD program.
    • Students will compete in two categories: (1) Pre-candidacy PhD students, MS students and SMS; and (2) Post-candidacy PhD students. Students should apply to the category that best matches their current status at the time of application.
    • Students who are chosen as finalists in the GSRD Elevator Pitch competition may not compete in the poster session. They may, if space permits, still present a poster and their poster number will be labeled “NC” [non-competing].

    Application link: 2024GSRD_EPContests

    Application materials:

    • Tentative title for elevator pitch
    • Short description (1-2 sentences) of the impact, relevance, or importance of the research as it relates to science or a lay audience

    Selection and award criteria:

    • Preliminary judges will select twenty finalists and students will be notified on May 20. Evidence of prior presentations will be taken into consideration, but is not a requirement.
    • Finalists will present their elevator pitches to a panel of judges on June 13 that includes faculty, PhD-level research scientists, and lay community members. Elevator pitches will be evaluated on the delivery of the pitch, organization and engagement with the pitch content, and impact. The pitch will not be evaluated on the complexity of the project, whether experimental results have been obtained so far, minor grammatical mistakes, or speaking with a non-English accent. The audience will choose the People's Choice Award winner. Winners will be announced at the GSRD Awards Ceremony.
    • Rubric for elevator pitch contests


    • Category 1: Pre-Candidacy PhD, MS & SMS

      • 1st prize: $1,000
      • 2nd prize: $500
      • People’s choice: $300

    • Category 2: Post-Candidacy PhD

      • 1st prize: $1,000
      • 2nd prize: $500
      • People’s choice: $300

    Please note: cash prizes may be subject to tax