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Meet the Staff: Jewel Elliott

July 15, 2024 By: Elizabeth Murphy/MD Anderson UTHealth Houston Graduate School

Woman smiling in front of a multicolored tile wall

In her role as the TL1 program coordinator, Jewel Elliott manages all aspects of the TL1 student research program, which provides both predoctoral and postdoctoral students the opportunity to conduct scientifically rigorous research. When she's not at work, Jewel enjoys playing sports, spending time with family, and watching her favorite shows -- she's a Real Housewives fan! Keep reading to learn more about Jewel and her role at the Graduate School.

What is your current title, and what do you do day-to-day?

I am the coordinator for the TL1 program, which consists of 11 predoctoral and four postdoctoral students and requires trainees to conduct scientifically rigorous research studies. These research studies must be either clinical or translational, and they may be classified into any field. As you can tell, there's a lot of variety in my job!

Are you working on any upcoming projects?

Yes, we are recruiting new trainees for the fall.

What excites you the most about working at the Graduate School?

What excites me the most about working at the Graduate School is the amazing staff. Everyone is so friendly and helpful! 

Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

Yes! I like to play tennis, ping-pong, and pickleball, as well as hang out with my family and friends. I also enjoy traveling, checking out new restaurants around Houston, hanging by the pool, and watching my favorite shows, such as Real Housewives.

What skills do you find most valuable in your work?

My organizational and time management skills help me a lot in my work. I'm also good at multitasking and teamwork, and I can adapt to a new environment quickly. 

Do you have a favorite memory at the Graduate School so far?

My favorite memories at the Graduate School come from times when we've gotten together for events, such as the holiday party. Everyone is so nice, and we have a great time together. 

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