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Meet the Staff: Laura Rademacher

September 09, 2024 By: Elizabeth Murphy/MD Anderson UTHealth Houston Graduate School

Meet the Staff: Laura Rademacher

Laura Rademacher has been with the Graduate School since 2021. In her role as program manager for Student Affairs and Career Development, she works with students on resumes and career topics, handles event management, and plans projects. When she's not at work, she likes to DIY around the house. Keep reading to learn more about Laura and how she supports the Graduate School!

What is your current title, and what do you do day-to-day?

I am the program manager for Student Affairs and Career Development. Every day is a bit different, but I regularly meet with students to discuss things like resumes, internships, or other career topics. I do some administrative work, some project planning, and event management. I assist with large events like Graduate Student Research Day, Graduate Student Appreciation Week, and Alumni Career Symposium, among others.

Are you working on any upcoming projects?

My upcoming projects right now are planning the fall and spring career development programming. We try to brainstorm and reflect on what we're hearing from students and others to figure out what topics are of greatest interest, then decide on a format, potential speakers, and other logistics.

What excites you the most about working for the Graduate School?

The community! There is such a feeling of community amongst the whole school that isn't found in most places. You rarely hear the word 'I' when discussing our work; it's always 'we', and that's because we tend to work together.

Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

I recently purchased my first house, so I've been doing some DIY projects. I also love traveling and shopping. I am currently planning a trip to England and South Africa, so I've been trying to learn about both locations and their cultures. It fuels my excitement for the trip!

What skills do you find most valuable in your work?

The two skills I utilize most often are project management and communication. There is always something going on that requires planning, so making sure I have all my I's dotted and my T's crossed is important. I continuously work to improve my communication skills to ensure that I am getting my message across.

Do you have a favorite memory at the Graduate School so far?

One of my most memorable experiences was during my first staff Christmas party in 2021. The night was winding down, but then a few staff members grabbed instruments and just started having a little jam session. I remember thinking that this was a cool place to work.

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