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Meet the Staff: Michael Valladolid

June 24, 2024 By: Elizabeth Murphy/MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School

Photo of a man with black hair and glasses smiling in front of a multicolored tile wall

Michael Valladolid has been with the Graduate School since 2006. In his role as director of Information Technology and Academic Computing, he supports the IT needs of all departments at the Graduate School. When he’s not helping the systems at the school run smoothly, he enjoys spending time with family and maintaining his aquariums! Keep reading to learn more about Valladolid.

What is your current title, and what do you do day-to-day?

I am the IT Director of the Graduate School. I touch base with our IT team, the leaders of each area of the GSBS and stakeholders of processes, projects, and issues we are working on.  Communication and engagement are consistent parts of my routine. Resource management is another key area that keeps our service delivery effective and timely.

Are you working on any upcoming projects?

The IT team just finished a round of technology upgrades for our classrooms with one more room to do in the next fiscal year. We are also developing convenient ways for our stakeholders to access and use our data, and promoting and leveraging all the features of Microsoft Office365 for productivity gains.

What excites you the most about working for the Graduate School?

It’s the people. Everyone genuinely cares about our students, faculty, and the school. Here, I have met the most intelligent, yet modest people I’ve known in my career. Plus, I can see the impact that we make every day.

Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

I maintain six small, planted aquariums in my home office. I have a fully stocked home bar and I make cocktails for myself and friends when they come over. For major stress relief, I’ll go to New Orleans for a weekend and work for free in my mother-in-law’s Thai restaurant as a line cook.

What skills do you find most valuable in your work?

There are several. Listening and communication, adaptability and learning agility, and understanding our overall business context.

Do you have a favorite memory at the GSBS so far?

My fondest memory was when I won the Melva Ramsay Award for exceptional service to students, faculty, and staff in 2009. This caught me completely by surprise and just reminds me what a wonderful staff we have!



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