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Meet the Staff: Sarah Trevino

July 01, 2024 By: Elizabeth Murphy/MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School

dark-haired woman smiling at the camera

Sarah Trevino serves as Senior Executive Assistant to Dean Alejandro Aballay, PhD. In this role, she performs a variety of administrative and organizational tasks to help his office run smoothly. When she’s not supporting Dean Aballay’s work, Sarah enjoys spending time with her family and attending sports games. Keep reading to learn more about Sarah!


What is your current title, and what do you do day-to-day?

I am the Senior Executive Assistant to Dean Aballay. My day-to-day activities involve a combination of administrative and organizational tasks, ensuring smooth operations within my area of responsibility. I handle a variety of tasks, from routine data entry and scheduling to more complex problem-solving and policy drafting, as well as maintaining compliance with relevant guidelines.


Are you working on any upcoming projects?

I’m currently working on a series of lunches that Dean Aballay hosts to engage in conversations with students to discuss research, career plans, and ideas.


What excites you the most about working for the Graduate School?

Working with a great team that is always willing to collaborate.


Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy spending time with my family, trying new goods, attending concerts, and going to baseball and football games.


What skills do you find most valuable in your work?

My ability to adapt to any situation in response to new, unexpected, or changing circumstances as they arise.


Do you have a favorite memory at the Graduate School so far?

I’m new to the Graduate School family, but I would have to say Commencement.


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