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New Student Q&A: Yueting Zhao

September 10, 2024 By: Elizabeth Murphy/MD Anderson UTHealth Houston Graduate School

dark-haired woman smiling at the camera

Yueting Zhao is an incoming PhD student for fall 2024. Yueting is originally from China, and she holds a bachelor's degree in genetics, cell biology, and development (GCD) from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She is keeping her options open, but she hopes to join the Cancer Biology program or the Immunology program. Keep reading to learn more about Yueting.

What inspired you to go into science?

When I was a child, my parents sparked my interest in science by always encouraging me to stay curious and ask questions, no matter how silly they seemed. Because of them, I grew up with a curious mind and was always excited to learn new things about the world. The teachers, advisors, and professors I had in high school and college further guided me to find joy in exploring unknown questions and helped solidify my decision to pursue biomedical science as my career path.

What's your educational background?

I completed my undergraduate degree in genetics, cell biology, and development (GCD) and biochemistry, with a minor in computational biology, from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. There, I had the opportunity to conduct research with human primary NK cells and T cells, which sparked my interest in cancer immunotherapy. 

How did you choose the Graduate School?

The welcoming, warm, and supportive community, with its amazing staff, faculty, and students, really impressed me during my interview visit and gave me a real sense of belonging. I also really enjoy the academic environment here, where the combination of opportunities and support creates a great place for me to develop and thrive.

Now that you're here, what are you most excited about?

I'm excited about so many things – the orientation to learn more about the Graduate School and the different programs, the retreats, the lab coat ceremony, and the upcoming tutorial rotations!

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