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Teaching assistant opportunities for Fall 2024

July 18, 2024 By: Elizabeth Murphy/MD Anderson UT Health Houston Graduate School

purple graphic with 'call for fall 2024 teaching assistants.'

The Graduate School is offering teaching assistant (TA) opportunities in three courses for Fall 2024. 

GS04 1093: The Biology of Cancer Metastasis

Responsibilities include:

Being present at all in-person lectures to take attendance.

Coordinating guest speakers and assisting with their setup.

Assisting with grading three exams.

Leading Student Seminars (similar to student-run journal clubs).

Preference will be given to students who have previously taken this course. Interested candidates should contact Daniel Frigo, PhD directly at [email protected]


GS04 1213: Mechanisms in Cancer Therapies 

Responsibilities include:

Advertising the course through various student channels.

Proactively assisting the course director as needed.

Communicating with both students and faculty (sending calendar invites, requesting talk materials, requesting quizzes, etc.)

Helping with grading. 

Participating in all aspects of the course's logistics.

Engaging in active teaching and instruction opportunities.

Interested students should contact Federica Pisaneschi, PhD at [email protected]

GS21 1232: Translational Sciences: From Bedside to Bench and Back

Responsibilities include:

Assisting with classroom instruction.

Managing course communications. 

Grading assignments.

Upholding professional conduct, reliable attendance, and active engagement. 

Maintaining open communication with instructors to align on course needs.

Engaging in active teaching and instruction opportunities.

Interested students should contact the course director directly at [email protected] and cc [email protected]


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