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GS04 1821 G&E Oral Scientific Presentations

  • Credit Hours: 1
  • Grading System: Pass/Fail
  • Prerequisites: GS21 1017: Foundations of Biomedical Research and student must be at least in their second year to take this course


The G&E Scientific Presentation class is designed for second year students who have chosen their thesis lab and are preparing for their candidacy exam. The students will use their thesis project as a template to develop a 20-minute scientific presentation. All aspects of the presentation will be covered including title and introduction slides, organizing your data into a story, model slides and conclusions and answering questions. In addition to the 20-minute presentation, students will also give two 90-second elevator talks, one to a scientific group and one to a non-scientists group. Students will also present a 10-minute chalk talk based on the research plan that is based on the data from their 20-minute talk. This course is designed to prepare the student for the oral defense portion of their candidacy exam and to prepare the student to present their work in both short and long format platform presentations.

Course Outline G&E Oral Scientific Presentations