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GS14 1071 Translational Neuroscience

  • Credit Hours: 1
  • Grading System: Pass/Fail
  • Prerequisites: None


This is a multidisciplinary course that focuses on understanding neurological diseases from both basic and clinical approaches. We will examine several brain disorders including neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric-behavioral disorders. During each session, a basic science expert and a clinical expert in one of the selected disorders will partner to introduce the general concepts of the neuropathology, clinical signs, diagnosis, therapeutic strategies, and current research directions of the specific disorder. The main goal of the course is to understand the important interdisciplinary role of basic and clinical research. These research efforts have a common mission: To improve the quality of life of patients suffering from these disorders. Highlighting the interconnection between basic and clinical research will help provide dual feedback to translate the results from bench to bedside. In most of the cases, a PhD faculty will partner with an MD faculty to explain both sides of the most current research. Only by combining knowledge will we be able to advance our efforts in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of these neurological disorders. Auditing this course is permitted with course director's consent. 


Course Outline Translational Neuroscience