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Vidya Gopalakrishnan

Vidya Gopalakrishnan

Regular Member

Associate Professor

[email protected]
MDA MOD1.017a (Unit 853)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Pediatrics

Research in my lab is directed towards identifying novel therapeutic targets for medulloblastoma, a pediatric brain tumor. A major focus of our research involves the study of developmental signals required for normal cerebellar development as a means to understand the molecular basis and pathophysiology of medulloblastoma. A second major goal of our research is to identify epigenetic alterations of gene expression in pediatric brain tumors and determine the therapeutic efficacy of drugs that reverse these changes in mouse models of brain tumors. A tutorial in my lab would provide experience with cloning methods, site-directed mutagenesis, analysis of gene and protein expression and functional assays. Students will also gain experience in fluorescence and deconvolution microscopy, immunohistochemistry and generation of mouse models in my lab.


MDACC Faculty

Gopalakrishnan Lab

Education & Training

PhD, University of Pittsburgh, 1995


Faculty Development