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Mentoring Works!

Effective mentoring of graduate students is perhaps the most important responsibility of GSBS faculty members. Strong and sustained mentoring has been linked to research productivity, wellness and career success. As we continue our commitment to provide the best graduate education environment for our students, all GSBS faculty are now required to participate in our Mentoring Works! mentor training program. Faculty who have done so will have the Mentoring Works emblem on their GSBS faculty page.

Mentoring Works! is modeled on an evidence-based approach to mentor training originally developed by the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at The University of Wisconsin. The goal of these workshops is to enhance mentoring skills of faculty in the biomedical sciences through facilitated peer-to peer discussions. All faculty are required to complete Mentoring Works! within one year of joining the GSBS.
Register Below:

  • Registration
    Mentoring Works! is modeled on an evidence-based approach to mentor training originally developed by the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at The University of Wisconsin. The goal of these workshops is to enhance mentoring skills of faculty in the biomedical sciences through facilitated peer-to peer discussions. All faculty are required to complete Mentoring Works! within one year of joining the GSBS.
    Register Below:

  • Workshop Format
    These workshops will be highly interactive and dependent on faculty participation through peer-to-peer discussions. The workshops will be facilitated by members of the dean's office and GSBS faculty volunteers who are experienced mentors and have completed mentor training. Each virtual workshop will be held over a five hour period with breaks. 
    Topics covered will include:
    • Maintaining Effective Communication
    • Aligning Expectations
    • Fostering Trust
    • The Emotionally Intelligent Mentor
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    I've already taken Mentoring Works!. Do I have to take it again?

    If you’ve already completed Mentoring Works! at GSBS you do not have to take again at the present time. However, in the future we plan to develop refresher workshops of Mentoring Works! that will address new topics

    I've taken the GCC/Rice version of this training. Do I need to take Mentoring Works!

    The GCC/Rice workshop does meet the same goals as Mentoring Works! and is sufficient to waive the Mentoring Works! requirement as long as you have taken this course within the past 5 years. Please send GSBS Faculty Affairs your certificate of completion as verification.  

    If have questions, please contact GSBS Faculty Affairs.

  • Additional Resources/Links


For Faculty-related information, please contact GSBS Faculty Affairs