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Tina Marie Briere

Tina Marie Briere

Associate Member

Associate Professor

[email protected]
MDA FCT8.6084 (Unit 1420)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Radiation Physics

I am interested in understanding normal tissue response to radiation. The goal of radiation therapy is to deliver a dose of radiation that is large enough to kill the tumor without harming the patient. Sometimes radiation may cause short-term symptoms (an acute response such as radiation pneumonitis) and other times it may cause long-term consequences (permanent changes to the body like fibrosis). There may be characteristics of a patient population such as age, smoking status, or co-morbidities that make them more or less susceptible to normal tissue damage. There may be characteristics of the treatment, such as the dose/volume relationship, surgery, or adjuvant chemotherapy that are important. My interest is in examining all of these characteristics to create clinically relevant dose limits for normal structures.


MDACC Faculty

Education & Training

Ph.D. - State University of New York at Albany - 1995