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Fabien Delerue

Fabien Delerue

Regular Member

Associate Professor

[email protected]
BSRB S2.8020

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center at Houston
Department of Genetics

Dr. Delerue is a renowned geneticist and neuroscientist whose interest in Synthetic Biology (SynBio) encompasses transgenesis, gene editing, gene therapy, rare genetic disorders and assisted reproductive technologies. Dr Delerue’s research focuses essentially on streamlining gene transfer techniques to facilitate the generation of genetically modified models for biomedical purposes. His laboratory uses cutting-edge technologies such as engineered endonucleases (e.g., CRISPR/Cas9) and state-of-the-art equipment (e.g., next generation sequencers) to generate and characterize advanced models of human diseases. To remain at the forefront of in-vivo gene editing, transgenic cores need to dedicate a specific research program to technology development. Finding new and innovative ways of streamlining and improving the whole process is the type of research currently carried out in at GEMF.

As part of a technology development program, projects offered to students are centered around innovative techniques in four different areas:

- manufacturing processes of endonucleases.

- gene transfer techniques and delivery of editing components.

- improving the efficiency of genome editing.

- assessment and quality control of the editing outcomes (i.e., sequencing, genotyping, expression



Education & Training

PhD, University of Sydney, 2013

Research Opportunities
