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Xiangwei Wu

Xiangwei Wu

Regular Member

Associate Professor

[email protected]
MDA S7.8220 (Unit 1013)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Clinical Cancer Prevention

TNFa is a potent cytokine that elicits a broad range cellular response involved in various biological processes, such as immune response, inflammation, cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. The pleotropic effect of TNFa is due to the fact that TNFa can induce multiple signaling pathways, such as activation of NF-kB and JNK, and cleavage and activation of pro-caspase 8. However, the underline mechanisms controlling the distinct TNFa response remain obscure. Recent studies have implicated TNFa in inflammation-associated cancers due to its ability to activate the NF-kB survival pathway. One of our research areas focuses on the regulation of TNFa response and its application in targeting inflammation-associated cancers.

TNFa related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is potent cell death inducer. It holds promise as specific anti-cancer drug as TRAIL kills cancer cells without harming normal cells. We are interested in understanding why normal cells are resistant to TRAIL and exploring the use of TRAIL in chemoprevention.

Our interests in p53-mediated apoptosis centered on the role of Bax in cell fate determination after DNA damage.

A tutorial in our lab will provide experience in advanced molecular biology and protein chemistry. The experiments will be assisted by state-of-the-art facilities.


MDACC Faculty

Education & Training

Ph.D. - Baylor College of Medicine - 1991
