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Judith Smith

Judith Smith

Associate Member


[email protected]
MSB 3.152

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
McGovern Medical School
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences

The research focus in our research program is directed at understanding drug disposition in patients in relationship to efficacy and toxicity with a emphasis on the integration of herbal & nutritional supplements with traditional Western Medications for treatment of cancer, cancer prevention, menopausal systems, and obesity.  We conduct various drug development studies with intent to go from bench to bedside and back. The mission of the Women’s Health Integrative Medicine Research Program is to advance the progress of the safe and effective use of nutritional and herbal supplements with pharmacologic modalities as it relates to women’s health and cancer through innovative thinking, systematic methodology and collaborative interactions throughout the UTHealth System and global research community.  Current ongoing studies are discuss on our program website:

Depending on the student's interests, a tutorial in my laboratory would provide experience with gynecologic cancers, in vitro/ex vivo drug metabolism studies, basic analytical methods, immuno-assays, HPV, development of new chemotherapy regimens including the integration of nutritional/herbal supplements for the treatment and prevention of gynecologic cancers. Unique laboratory skills may include: animal surgery, microdialysis, equilibrium dialysis, HPLC, LC/Mass Spec, PaperSpray pharmacokinetic modeling, and clinical trial design. 


McGovern Medical School Faculty

Education & Training

Pharm.D. (with dissertation) - Albany College of Pharmacy - 1997
B.S. - Albany College of Pharmacy - 1996
Board Certification - Oncology Pharmacy