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Vijayasree Vayalanellore Giridharan

Vijayasree Vayalanellore Giridharan

Associate Member

Assistant Professor

[email protected]
BBSB 5102A

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

My clinical focus centers on Alzheimer's disease, depression, and aging, while my research
endeavors are dedicated to unraveling the molecular intricacies of the multi-faceted
neurodegenerative disorder, of Alzheimer's disease. As the leading cause of dementia in older
adults, Alzheimer's poses significant challenges. We employ experimental models of dementia,
infection-induced cognitive decline, and the transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease to
delve into its pathophysiology. Specifically, our laboratory investigates the complex interplay of
neuroinflammation, vascular markers, and the gut microbiome in the context of Alzheimer's
disease and neuropsychiatric complications. Leveraging both animal models and clinical
samples, we aim to decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying these
neuropsychiatric complications. More recently, our research has extended to investigating the
neuropsychiatric aftermath in individuals dealing with the long-term effects of COVID-19.


McGovern Medical School Faculty

Education & Training

PhD, Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, 2012
