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Sanjay Shete

Sanjay Shete

Regular Member


[email protected]
MDA FCT4.6002 (Unit 1411)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Biostatistics

Sanjay Shete, Ph.D. is a Genetic Epidemiologist with interests in developing statistical methods for genetic data. The determinants of many traits of human disease include genetic components. His research focuses on development and implementation of statistical methods for analyzing family and pedigree data to identify genes that cause disease. He is principal investigator to perform genomewide association study of head and neck cancer. He is also the principal investigator (with Dr. Chang) for NIDA funded R25 training grant on innovative multidisciplinary education: the statistical genetics of addiction. One clear focus of his current research is to develop methods for gene-gene and gene-environmental interactions and applying them to cancer data from molecular epidemiologic studies. He has developed methods to identify imprinted genes. Statistical methods applied to genetic and molecular data play a key role in uncovering the often-complex relationship between important traits in humans and their genetic basis.


MDACC Faculty

Education & Training

Ph.D. - University of Georgia - 1998