IMM Seminar Series-Guest Speaker Dr. Liangyou Rui
When & Where
February 14
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Fayez S. and Susan K. Sarofim Research Building-IMM Beth Robertson Auditorium, SRB 104 (View in Google Map)
- Danielle Bell
- 713-500-3672
- [email protected]
Event Description
IMM Seminar Series with guest speaker Dr. Liangyou Rui, University of Michigan. Host is Dr. Qingchun Tong, Professor & Associate Director, IMM-Center for Neuroimmunology and Glial Biology, Hans J. Muller-Eberhard, MD, PhD and Irma Gigli, MD Distinguished Chair in Immunology, Cullen Chair in Molecular Medicine.
Liangyou is currently Louis G. D'Alecy Collegiate Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology at the University of Michigan Medical School. Liangyou’s research is centered on obesity and obesity-related disease. He first identified the SH2B1? gene and demonstrated that loss of function SH2B1 mutations cause obesity and metabolic disease.
Event Site Link
"name":"IMM Seminar Series-Guest Speaker Dr. Liangyou Rui",
"description":"IMM Seminar Series with guest speaker Dr. Liangyou Rui, University of Michigan. Host is Dr. Qingchun Tong, Professor & Associate Director, IMM-Center for Neuroimmunology and Glial Biology, Hans J. Muller-Eberhard, MD, PhD and Irma Gigli, MD Distinguished Chair in Immunology, Cullen Chair in Molecular Medicine.
Liangyou is currently Louis G. D'Alecy Collegiate Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology at the University of Michigan Medical School. Liangyou’s research is centered on obesity and obesity-related disease. He first identified the SH2B1? gene and demonstrated that loss of function SH2B1 mutations cause obesity and metabolic disease.",
"location":"Fayez S. and Susan K. Sarofim Research Building-IMM Beth Robertson Auditorium, SRB 104",
"label":"Add to Calendar",