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Attendance guidance related to COVID-19

• If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please self-test or get tested at UTHealth Houston Student Health Services.

• If you test positive, you are required to quarantine for seven (7) days from the onset of symptoms. You may return to campus once you are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use fever-reducing medication) and are asymptomatic. You must then wear a mask on campus for (3) three days.

If you have any questions about this guidance, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs ([email protected]). 

CDC COVID-19 information page

Policy regarding students working remotely may be found here.

For the latest information regarding safety protocols, travel, shuttles, parking, health, and more, refer to these institutional websites listed below. These sites, which require institutional credentials or network to access, are updated on a regular basis and should be checked often as MD Anderson and UTHealth Houston maybe different information for its labs/clinics/employees. 

If you still have questions after consulting the resources above, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Updated 8/2024