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Christine Peterson

Christine Peterson

Regular Member

Assistant Professor

MDA FCT4.6026 (Unit 1411)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Biostatistics 

In my research, I focus on statistical methods for understanding high-throughput biological data (including proteomics, metabolomics, and genomics), particularly in the Bayesian framework. Major themes in my work include the inference of biological networks and identifying patterns of genetic regulation of multivariate traits. My applied interests include biomarker discovery and cancer early detection. Specifically, I am working on identification of signatures of early stage cancers based on plasma protein abundances or on microbiome data characterizing the microbial communities present in the human digestive tract. Students who complete a tutorial in my lab would gain exposure to “big data” and to multivariate statistical methods (including variable and graph selection), as well as programming experience in R and Matlab.


MDACC Faculty

Peterson Lab

Education & Training

PhD, Rice University, 2013


Faculty Development