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Anil Sood

Anil Sood

Regular Member


[email protected]
MDA 3SCR3.3636

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Departments of Gynecologic Oncology and Cancer Biology

My research focuses on mechanisms of cancer invasion and metastasis in ovarian and other cancers. Specifically, my research is focused in three main areas: 1) effect of neuroendocrine stress hormones on ovarian cancer growth and progression; 2) development of novel anti-vascular therapeutic approaches, and 3) development of new strategies for in vivo siRNA delivery. We are also interested in understanding the effects of platelets on tumor growth.  Our lab utilizes a wide range of in vitro and in vivo assays to study the topics described above.

Depending on the student's interests, a tutorial in my laboratory would provide experience with a variety of cell biology assays including three-dimensional tissue culture, RT-PCR, invasion and migration assays, transfection studies, experimental animal models for gynecologic malignancies, use of nanoparticles for RNA interference. Our group is highly active and provides a stimulating environment for students.


MDACC Faculty

Education & Training

M.D. - University of North Carolina - 1991

Research Opportunities


Faculty Development