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Jason Schenkel

Jason Schenkel

Regular Member

Assistant Professor

[email protected]
Life Sciences Plaza - LSP9.4019

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Translational Molecular Pathology and Immunology

The Schenkel lab will investigate how time and location fundamentally alter CD8+ T cell differentiation and function in cancer. A better understanding of the pathways that are engaged in CD8+ T cells due to tissue-derived cues and timing post-entry into tumors will be critical for developing the next generation of immunotherapies, and will reveal insights into the drivers of anti-tumor CD8+ T cell immunity. These questions will be interrogated in sophisticated genetically engineered mouse models of cancer. Current projects span three different areas. Project 1 will focus on determining the lineage relationship and function of CD8+ T cells in the draining lymph node. The goal of this project is to define the lineage relationships, location, and functionality of DLN CD8+ T cell populations, and to identify therapeutic modalities to harness these T cell subsets. Project 2 focuses on identifying recruited CD8+ T cells in tumors and the pathways engaged to drive T cell dysfunction during tumor progression. The goal of this project is to define CD8+ T cell longevity in tumors and identify the pathways that are engaged in the hours, days and weeks after arrival.Project 3 focuses on dissecting the role of metastasis in modulating the CD8+ T cell response. The goal of this project is to understand how metastasis alters the anti-tumor CD8+ T cell response. Collectively, our studies will provide critical resolution and insights into the CD8 T cell response in cancer. Students rotating through the lab will gain expertise in cellular immunology and mouse models of cancer, can expect a highly supportive lab environment and PI.



Education & Training

PhD - University of Minnesota - 2014
MD - University of Minnesota - 2016

Research Opportunities
