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Shine Chang

Shine Chang

Regular Member


[email protected]
MDA CPB7.3552 (Unit 1340)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Epidemiology
Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences
(Director of Cancer Prevention Educational Programs)

I serve as the co-principal investigator for a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-funded R21 ancillary study of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) on the genetic, hormonal and behavioral determinants of obesity, a cancer risk factor.  The resources for this ancillary study of approximately 850 postmenopausal White and African-American women participating in the WHI Observational Study include extracted DNA, fasting plasma samples, and epidemiologic and behavioral questionnaire data for baseline and annual visit 3, including reproductive health history, dietary and physical activity data.  Analytes already measured include IGF-I, IGF BP-3, leptin, IL-6, C-peptide, insulin and C reactive protein, and others are being planned.

Depending on the student’s interest, an experience with me would involve epidemiological and biostatistical analyses into different aspects of weight gain and excess bodyweight as these and related factors relate to cancer risk and progression of disease.  Genetic analyses are also being organized, so students could plan projects that involve genetics of obesity and weight gain.  Other projects I lead include research on mentoring, scientific communication skills, evaluation of health science research training, and creation of professional development curricula.


MDACC Faculty

Education & Training

Ph.D. - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill - 1995


Faculty Development