2024-2025 Student Awards and Fellowships
Mirrah Bashir
UTHealth Innovation in Cancer Prevention Research Training Program Fellowship
Cara Biddle
Ralph B. Arlinghaus, PhD Scholarship
Jose Enriquez-Ortiz
Ellen Taylor Goldin Legacy Scholarship
Stephen Farmer, Jr.
John J. Kopchick Renewal
NINDS F99/K00 Fellowship
Chrystine Gallegos
John J. Kopchick Renewal
Mo-Fan (Elena) Huang
John J. Kopchick Renewal
Ya Xiang (Sophia) Huang
Jesse B. Heath, Jr. Family Legacy Award
Sseu-Pei Hwang
R.W. Butcher Student Achievement Scholarship
Nicolas Moreno
Henry W. Strobel, PhD Endowed Scholarship
Anna Naglis
City Federation of Women’s Clubs Endowed Scholarship in Biomedical Sciences
Rachel Shoemaker
Investing in Student Futures Scholarship
Biomedical Informatics and Genomics and Translational Cancer Research (BIG-TCR) Predoctoral Fellowship
2023-2024 Student Awards and Fellowships
Caitlyn Barrows
MTB Poster Award
Hong Anh (Nikki) Cao
CPRIT Graduate Scholar Award
Endocrine Society Research Experiences for Graduate and Medical Students (REGMS) Fellow
Marilyn and Frederick R. Lummis, Jr., MD, Fellowship
Andrew Sowell-Wade Huggins Scholarship in Cancer Research
Rene Girard
MTB Poster Award
Stephen Farmer
Dean's Research Scholarship
Dee S. and Patricia Osborne Endowed Scholarship in the Neurosciences (NGP Symposium)
MTB Symposium Talk Award
GSEC Poster Award
Dr. John J. Kopchick Fellowship
Dee S. and Patricia Osborne Endowed Scholarship in the Neurosciences (NRC Poster Session)
President’s Research Excellence Award
CCTS-TL1 Grant
Chrystine Gallegos
Neuro Work in Progress Presentation Award
Dr. John J. Kopchick Fellowship
Training Interdisciplinary Pharmacology Scientists (TIPS) T32
Cuauhtemoc Gonzalez
GSBS Presidents' Research Scholarships
MTB Poster Award
Cara Guernsey
Dean's Excellence Scholarship
Peyton High
GSRD Poster Award
GSEC Poster Award
MTB Symposium Talk Award and Best Pre-Candidacy Talk
Investing in Student Futures Scholarship
TIPS fellowship
Mo-Fan (Elena) Huang
Dean's Research Scholarship
Dr. John J. Kopchick Fellowship
Sophia Huang
GSRD Poster Award
Chase Hutchins
2024-2025 American Legion Auxiliary Fellow in Cancer Research
Dean's Research Scholarship
TIPS Fellowship
MTB Symposium Talk Award
GSEC Poster Award
Sseu-Pei Hwang
CPRIT BIG-TCR Predoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Research, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
Michael Longmire
Fernando Aron Yarrito Scholarship
Ester Lujan
American Legion Auxiliary Fellowship in Cancer Research
Endocrine Society Research Experiences for Graduate and Medical Students (REGMS) Fellow
Sarah Shin
Published a review article titled, “From Epithelium to Therapy: Transitional Cells in Lung Fibrosis” in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
Poster Award MSTP Retreat
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Endowment Scholarship
Julia Zickus
GSRD Poster Award
Yangxi Zheng
T.C. Hsu Memorial Scholarship
2022-2023 Student Awards and Fellowships
Alexander Andersohn
AHA Predoctoral Fellowship
Jose Enriquez
NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition (F99/K00) Award
Lasher and Longoria Graduate Student Research Award in Cancer Biology
Yale Ciencia Academy Fellow
iSRS Travel Award (Conference)
ISRMRM Educational Trainee Stipend Award (Conference)
2nd Place Post-Candidacy Poster - BCB Symposium
Stephen Farmer
Gigli Family Endowed Scholarship
NINDS-Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
NIDA-Graduate Summer Opportunities to Advance Research Award
Honorable Mention-Ford Foundation Fellowship
National Academy of Science
Cuauhtemoc Gonzalez
DSPAN F99/K00 Scholar
Charlene Kopchik Fellow
ASPET Washington Fellow
Yale Ciencia Academy Fellow
Dean’s Research Scholarship
1st Place Post-Candidacy Poster - BCB Symposium
Cara Guernsey
Dean's Excellence Scholarship
Peyton High
Pre-Candidacy Oral Presentation Skills - GSBS Research Day
First place elevator pitch presentation-BCB Spring Symposium
Chase Hutchins
2nd Place Pre-Candidacy Poster - BCB Symposium
Mo-Fan (Elena) Huang
The Antje Wuelfrath Gee and Harry Gee, Jr. Family Legacy Scholarship
1st Place Pre-Candidacy Poster - BCB Symposium
Sseu-Pei Hwang
CPRIT BIG-TCR Predoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Research, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas
Joan Jacob
1st Place Transformative Science - BCB Symposium
2023 McGovern Medical School Research Retreat Poster Competition-2nd place
Dr. John J. Kopchick Fellowship
Floyd Haar, MD Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Michael Longmire
1st Place Post-Candidacy Poster - BCB Symposium
Nico Moreno
TTS Student Ambassadors program travel award
CCTS Training Grant: TL1 TR003169, 2022-2023
Jesse B. Heath, Jr. Family Legacy Award for Translational Research
3rd Place Pre-Candidacy Elevator Pitch Talks - BCB Symposium
Sarah Shin
2nd Place Elevator Pitch BCB Symposium
3rd Place Elevator Pitch BMB Retreat
1st Place Research Image BMB Retreat
Marvin Wirianto
Transformative Science Oral Talks - BCB Symposium
2021- 2022 Student Awards and Fellowships
NIH NIGMS F31 Predoctoral Fellowship
Savannah West: Dr. Mentor Askar Akimzhanov
GSBS Endowment Scholarship
Janani Subramaniam: Mentor Dr. Shane Cunha
The Antje Wuelfrath Gee and Harry Gee, Jr. Family Legacy Scholarship
Ulises Gonzalez: Mentor Dr.Vasanthi Jayaraman
Floyd Haar, MD Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Joan Jacob: Mentor: Dr. Kendra Carmon
Gigli Family Endowed Scholarship
Marvin Wirianto: Mentor Dr. Seung-Hee Yoo
2021 BCB Directors Award
Tristen Tellman: Mentor Dr. Mary Farach-Carson
Marilyn and Frederick R. Lummis, Jr., M.D., Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences
Anita Kaw: Mentor Dianna Milewicz
Larry Deaven Ph.D. Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences
Tristen Tellman: Mentor Dr. Mary Farach-Carson
American Legion Auxiliary Fellowship in Cancer Research
Jessica Symons: Mentors Dr. Ilya Levental and Vasanthi Jayaraman
GSBS Endowment Scholarship
Nancy Wareing: Mentor Dr. Harry Karmouty-Quintana
GSBS Endowment Scholarship
Ryan Durham: Mentor Dr. Vasanthi Jayaraman
2021 BCB Symposium Presentation Awards
Oral presentation: post-candidacy
Dominik Awad (1st)
Ashabari Mukherjee (2nd)
Tristen Tellman (3rd)
Oral presentation: pre-candidacy
Joan Jacob (1st)
Jose Enriquez and Janani Subramaniam (tie for 2nd)
People’s Choice Poster Award
Nancy Wareing
2021 Medical School Research Retreat Poster Winners
Joan Jacob: Mentor Dr. Kendra Carmon
Jessie Morrill: Mentors Dr. Qingchun Tong
Vinay Nair: Mentor Dr. Alemayehu Gorfe
Rachel Van Drunen: Mentor Dr. Kristin Eckel Mahan
2021 GSBS Kopchick Fellowships
Nathaniel Berg: Mentor Dr. Holger Eltzschig
Elia Lopez: Mentors Dr. Terry Walters and Carmen Dessauer
Nabina Paudyal: Mentor Dr. Vasanthi Jayaraman
2020-2021 GSBS Scholarships/Fellowships
R.W. Butcher Achievement Award
Vinay Nair: Mentor Dr. Alex Gorfe
George M. Stancel, Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences
Savannah West: Mentos Drs. Askar Akimzhanov and Darren Boehning
Andrew Sowell-Wade Huggins Scholarship in Cancer Research
Mikayla Waters: Mentor Dr. Melinda Yates